Example sentences of "to [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 Indeed these two characteristics are all that is needed in the case of the adjective ; the relative clause is in a sense a stalking horse , convenient in that it is more tangible than the relation around which it is built , but unnecessary , and awkward in that it brings with it , in English , the requirement that it must express a tense ; for while it is often possible to read a tense into an adjective there is no reason whatever to suppose that there is always some particular tense present to the mind of the speaker but suppressed , as can be seen from instances like ( 35 ) , where more than one tense could plausibly be grafted onto the sense expressed by the phrase underlined , or , just as well , some adverbial notion like " because " or " if " without any specific tense being implied : ( 35 ) motorists guilty will have to pay heavy fines Likewise , the buildings adjacent of example ( 17 ) simply take their tense from that of the clause as a whole ; if , for instance , we were to switch the tense of the verb in that example in order to shift the whole situation to past time : ( 36 ) the buildings adjacent were closed for three days it would be quite unnecessary to presume that an independent mental re-assignment of tense , from present to past , internal to the phrase buildings adjacent , has to take place as well .
2 If it is easy to despise the cult of Holiday , which even the singer herself seemed to fall victim to at times , one can still listen to these unassuming youthful records and marvel at the serenity of her musicianship .
3 They all become little tin gods and jacks-in-office unless spoken to at times , and reminded they are human beings . ’
4 So The other thing you 've got to think about , if you do react the wrong way , and we 've probably all been tempted to at times if we have n't done it , but if you do react the wrong way , consider who is that person coming by ?
5 By stressing superiority of the competitive as opposed to the collaborative , the individual as against the collective , the private as compared to the public and by elevating profitability to at times the sole criterion of success , they have created an economic framework where the survival of the fittest has in many cases come to mean the survival of those who are best at avoiding controls on their activities without being caught .
6 The consequences of this latter factor have been to at times lead to the definition of community care as ‘ non-hospital care ’ ( Parker , 1990 ) .
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