Example sentences of "in other [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In this situation it seemed appropriate for the staff at Perth College to offer educational opportunities which would parallel those available in other music fields .
2 In other word prevention as opposed to dealing with events which have already gone past ?
3 Students may take units in other Art and Design disciplines available in the Faculty .
4 Liz had never admired , and had at times expressed somewhat freely ( and in her own view wittily ) her lack of response to Henrietta 's frigid style and vapid conversation , but nevertheless felt herself , in Henrietta 's presence , rendered almost as dull as Henrietta , and moreover uneasily aware that in other houses , in other milieux , at a distance , in other circles , she had seen Henrietta sparkling , laughing , surrounded by life — vacuous life , feverish small talk , no doubt , but life — a life that froze in Liz as she contemplated her guest 's stiff blue taffeta gown ( this was surely a gown , not a dress , and , not even English , probably French ) , her exposed white bosom , her diamond necklace ( well , probably diamonds , why not ? ) , her high white forehead , her thin dark-red lips .
5 In 1916 the Admiralty proposed that crews of commandeered or hired transports should , as in other wartime industries , be engaged " for the period of the war " .
6 In our report of the verdict and in other press articles , PC Peacock and PC Renton of Hounslow police station were named as the officers who arrested and detained Mr Mikkelson .
7 Authorities also disclosed that an explosives timing device like those in other terrorist bombings was recovered at the New Jersey home of suspect Nidal Ayyad , a chemical engineer who investigators believe has bomb-making know-how .
8 But reductions in other funding meant the overall gain was 5 per cent .
9 A follow-up language course , the Safari Course , was devised , and programmes framed by the language section of the newly formed Curriculum Development Centre were to be integrated with those prepared in other subject sections .
10 C&G tell us that named diplomas and certificates in other subject areas will be considered in due course .
11 Similarly , in their life history studies of secondary teachers , Sikes , Measor and Woods came across some subject teachers who felt distinctly uncomfortable with the approaches they were required to adopt in other subject areas :
12 Instead she suggests that the content of the formal curriculum should be entirely overhauled : ‘ for girls to become a more powerful group , they must be given some understanding of females ' past powerlessness … in other subject areas , like English literature , social studies , art , biology and — where it is taught — psychology , there is a similar need to examine what girls are learning about women 's abilities and potential , and therefore what they should ( realistically ) expect for themselves ’ ( Hannon , 1979 , p. 115 ) .
13 Throughout much of these types of activity , the practice of careful observation , note-taking and written accounts will play an important part ; several of the schools reporting in Freeman 's ( 1969 ) book on team teaching stated that their students had gained a valuable facility in note-taking which was required not only for science but in other subject fields .
14 The current study shows that Hand is likely to have retrieved the vast majority of derived papers , and it is suggested that studies in other subject fields would be statistically safe in limiting themselves to similar time periods .
15 The current study shows that Hand is likely to have retrieved the vast majority of derived papers , and it is suggested that studies in other subject fields would be statistically safe in limiting themselves to similar time periods .
16 If the geological community , which , despite being very well supplied with bibliographical data on research theses , only makes direct use of one quarter of such works , then it is likely that in other subject areas which are less well supported bibliographically , levels of thesis use will be even lower .
17 It could also be used in other subject fields , which currently lack specialist thesis listings , to generate maps of research activity .
18 Remember , too , that some of the general topic work or work done in other subject areas may well offer a historical component .
19 Even something from the day 's newspaper can be all that is needed as an effective starting-point , just as the latest or the most interesting work done in other subject areas of the curriculum may be used .
20 Companies have the right to sell their goods and services across national frontiers , and to set up agencies and branches in other member states .
21 The ‘ co-decision ’ procedure applies to areas of law such as the single market , consumer protection , the free movement of labour and the right of individuals and companies to establish themselves in other member states .
22 For lawyers it is especially important to establish contact with colleagues in other member states .
23 This is the case in relation to both the branch 's competitive position in the host member state and , indeed , competition in the home member state from branches of firms authorised in other member states .
24 Companies must also be entitled to establish agencies , branches or subsidiaries in other member states , without discrimination on grounds of nationality .
25 For example , the requirement that companies and firms not registered in Denmark obtain prior authorisation from the Ministry of Justice if they wished to acquire land was clearly incompatible with the right of establishment , and could no longer be applied to companies registered in other member states when Denmark joined the EC .
26 The Commission regarded this difference of treatment as deterring companies registered in other member states from setting up agencies and branches , since they were placed at a disadvantage vis-à-vis French companies .
27 Such rules are compatible with the right of establishment only if any differentiation which results in practice between local companies and companies incorporated in other member states is justifiable .
28 This would amount ( as the case law of the European Court makes clear ) to disguised discrimination , since the sales managers of companies incorporated in other member states would not be likely to have this qualification unless they had been recruited locally .
29 In practice , of course , this condition would rarely be satisfied by foreign companies , or by Irish companies whose shareholders were resident in other member states .
30 Reference has already been made to the opportunities now available to companies to establish agencies , branches or subsidiaries in other member states , and to conduct business activities in other member states through intermediaries without establishing a local presence .
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