Example sentences of "in two years " in BNC.

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1 In his own beloved English , it was always higher , averaging 71.3 per cent in the three years he offered the subject ; French , which was only offered in his first year produced a convincing 75 per cent ; and Economics , offered in two years , 62 per cent .
2 His mission had been planned two years ago when he worked well with stablemate Balthus , the 1987 Cambridgeshire winner , and Glover promises he has something else in the yard to continue the trend in two years .
3 Sharelink has built up a clientele of about 57,000 in two years .
4 Apart from the holiday in Italy , they had not spent a whole night together more than half a dozen times in two years , and never at her home ; always when they could find excuses for them both to be in other cities .
5 In two years we went from a £32m profit , which I suppose in current rates would be in the region of £150m , to a £14m loss .
6 So in two years flat , after riding on the crest of a wave , people who had been cock of the walk in ICI suddenly found themselves at the bottom of the league .
7 Horse and Jockey AC match secretary Mick Dryers had an unusual Sunday morning — he spent it at home for the first time in two years .
8 That 's a look we 'll see emerging from the dull , old chrysalis that was Renault design in the '70s and '80s , when it takes the wraps off its first really new-age car in two years ' time .
9 I was last in Cambodia in September , my second visit in two years .
10 Le Moignan has talked about retiring in two years ' time , but that could be hastened if there were another loss to Opie , who has made a determined comeback after defeats in the world and British opens .
11 There will be a third series , The Victorian Flower Garden , in two years .
12 A rule of thumb is that investment in energy efficiency is expected to pay for itself in two years .
13 With the opening of the company 's fourth North American assembly plant in two years ' time , Toyota will also have the capacity to produce almost 1m vehicles a year in America .
14 A recent Gallup poll found that 98m adults are involved in voluntary service , a 23% increase in two years .
15 Some fear this may have harmed the LME 's reputation , and could drive prices , which have fallen by 50% in two years , still lower .
16 2kg ) in two years , and a huge 90 lb or 6 st 6 lb ( 4O.8 kg ) in three years !
17 If you are having a recruitment drive , decide what it is you want : 500 members in two years , 2,000 in five or whatever .
18 Allocate the first round of new nursing posts towards the target of 7,000 in two years .
19 This was the second such call in two years and both took place after dark .
20 THE CHEER that greeted John Lloyd 's seven-foot putt as it dropped into the 18th hole at Deal signalled Tonbridge 's second Halford Hewitt Cup victory in two years .
21 John Prean , a grateful committee man , said : ‘ In two years the club has been completely transformed .
22 The new appointment runs until the next European championships , in two years ' time .
23 Nicky 's parents found him impossible to look after : he was always picking fights , especially with smaller children ; he had a fight with his teacher at school and ran away from home five times in two years .
24 At Unilever 12 700 employees out of 31 000 ( 41 per cent ) are female and women hold 15 per cent of management positions ( up six per cent in two years ) .
25 For the second time in two years , the Dutch government has drawn up plans to price cars off the roads to ease the Netherlands ' growing problems of congestion and air pollution .
26 They had helped Clara into the world only the day after the O'Neils had moved in two years before and Denis knew his wife was in good hands .
27 Despite the Peacocks ' less than perfect performances Chapman 's achievement in two years was no less remarkable than that at Northampton in the same space of time .
28 Altogether a total of 23 sites was visited twice or more in at least one year , of which six were visited regularly in two years , and nine in three or more .
29 Interruptible tariffs will soon be tested in two years of field trials costing about £1.5 million .
30 Dr James Walker , assistant director of the laboratory , estimates that the four computers will pay for themselves in two years because they reduce the high cost of buying , housing and feeding experimental animals .
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