Example sentences of "in some [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The oral shield is a rounded pentagon with a straight distal edge and a rounded proximal one ; in some specimens it may be more rounded , nearly oval .
2 The radial shields are sometimes inconspicuous but in some specimens their distal ends may be distinguishable .
3 There is one pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 3–4 rugose oral papillae , although in some specimens thee maybe more giving the appearance of a double row .
4 Often the whole length of the radial shields is visible and they may be bowed upwards in some specimens .
5 Usually only the tips of the radial shields are visible but in some specimens a large distal portion of the shield may be visible .
6 The ventral arm plates are slightly rectangular with a convex distal edge which in some specimens may have a median concave indentation .
7 The radial shields are usually covered although in some specimens it is possible to see the outline of distal end .
8 In some specimens the arm spines form a fan on the proximal arm segment .
9 The oral shield is basically rhombic but in some specimens the distal lobe is produced and the plate becomes arrow shaped .
10 In some specimens there are indications of transverse ridges on the edge of these plates and also on the lateral arm plates .
11 The ventral arm plates are pentagonal with a convex distal edge and on obtuse proximal angle , separated or only just contiguous ; in some specimens the plate boundaries are obscured by skin but this is not a constant feature .
12 The ventral interradial areas are covered by spinelets similar to the dorsal side although they are usually smaller and in some specimens they may resemble rugose granules .
13 In some specimens the distal edge may be raised up often with many small spikes .
14 The oral shield is irregular in shape , the proximal edge is rounded and the distal edge may be produced and this region may be depressed ; in some specimens the oral shield looks pentagonal , again with the distal portion depressed .
15 The radial shields are visible in some specimens but in others they are partially or totally obscured by the spinelets .
16 The disk is round , diameter up to 5–6 mm covered with a dense coating of spinelets , which are rod-like with bifid tips and in some specimens may be covered with skin .
17 The ventral arm plates are pentagonal and in some specimens the distal edge may be indented .
18 The ventral interradial areas are also covered by spinelets although the extent of covering varies ; in some specimens only the distal portion has spinelets , in others it is totally covered .
19 In some specimens the apical papilla may not be distinct while in others there are 1 or 2 large , pointed papillae ; these are flanked by up to 6 flat , pointed or sometimes scale-like oral papillae .
20 The oral shields are large and arrow shaped but in some specimens the shield may be more rounded .
21 The dorsal arm plates are slightly fan shaped , and contiguous on at least in the proximal segments ; in some specimens the most proximal plates are slightly irregular and may be smaller than those on the rest of the arm .
22 O. coriacea superficially resembles Ophiotrema alberti from which it differs by the lack of distinct spinelets on the disk ; the shape of the adoral shields which are straight and do not have an indented proximal edge while those of Ophiotrema alberti are more wing-like and indented over the second oral tentacle pore ; the shape of the oral shields which are arrow shaped not round and almost hemispherical as in some specimens of Ophiotrema and by the absence of tentacle scales in Ophiotoma .
23 In some specimens the latter papillae are much more developed forming a line among the proximal edge of the adoral shields .
24 In some specimens these spines may have been rubbed off but the area of attachment is usually visible .
25 In some specimens the distal portion may carry a spine .
26 The disk is covered with imbricating plates each carrying a club-like spinelet , the enlarged tip of which is rugose ; in some specimens there are roughly two sizes of spinelet ; the larger club-like spinelet and a smaller more granule-like spinelet .
27 The oral papillae are slightly flattened and the distalmost papillae may be widened at the free end or in some specimens larger than the others almost opercular .
28 The disk is indented interradially and the centre is often depressed , while the area of the radial shields is commonly raised up often swollen , in some specimens the disk distal to the tips of the radial shields bulges out overlying the arm .
29 The distal oral papillae are also spine-like and arise on the adoral shields , in some specimens they may be absent .
30 The tentacle pores are large with two small tentacles although in some specimens one or both scales may be missing on some of the pores .
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