Example sentences of "in this [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In this them-and-us situation , Jenkins was emphatically one of ‘ them ’ out there on the ground .
2 In this they were wrong , for he has shown many times that he can fight as well as anyone .
3 In this they were similar to Wester Ross but contrasted with Norway where the use of extra grants and subsidies had overcome this problem .
4 In this they were mistaken , but the Franco-German axis was not harmonious either .
5 Failing in this they had then strangled her and thrown the body downstairs to give the appearance of suicide .
6 In this they were simply reflecting the typical disinterest of historians .
7 In this they are quite promiscuous and unselective and tendons will join up with whatever muscle they find at their end .
8 In this they went beyond the goals set by Zambia or Zimbabwe .
9 In this they might have taken heed of the Reich 's experience , but instead they went ahead and repeated that experience in miniature .
10 In this they are not alone .
11 In this they were probably supported by the majority of their parishioners , insofar as the latter cared very much at all .
12 In this they are probably more in tune with reality than are the present byelaws . ’
13 In this they were supported by a number of other vested interests : arms manufacturers , imperial bureaucrats , admirals and generals .
14 In this they increasingly have the support of the wardens of PPA .
15 The members of the various denominations fought hard against the evils and wickedness of drink and immorality , and in this they were aided by the Constabulary .
16 In this they have been greatly helped by grants received through the Urban Programme , especially under its social heading .
17 The Borough preferred to build the hospital themselves and make suitable financial arrangements with the guardians ; in this they were supported by Mr. Hurst , but not by a majority .
18 It is only too evident that the scribes considered gentility the only status worth recording , and even in this they were not consistent ; civic dignity was almost invariably ignored .
19 In this they would follow the hugely popular and successful Italian Serie A league , where transfers are limited to the summer break between seasons and a short five-day ‘ window ’ in November .
20 In this they suffered from the same defects as the streltsy , the small force of regular infantry originally set up during Ivan the Terrible 's reign .
21 In this they were following the example of the reorganisation of London local government a decade earlier .
22 Although neither was an art movement in any conventional sense , they were both launched as aesthetic revolutions which were scheduled as critiques of everyday life ; and in this they were both surprisingly successful .
23 Gagnon and Simon ( and Plummer ) seem to accept the existence of bodily potentialities on which ‘ sexuality ’ draws , and in this they do not seem far removed from Foucault 's version that what ‘ sexuality ’ plays upon are ‘ bodies , organs , somatic localisations , functions , anatamo-physiological systems , sensations , and pleasures ’ , which have no intrinsic unity or ‘ laws ’ of their own . ’
24 In this they may have been not entirely alone , but it is a serious charge , and it would be a brave man who would assert that it could not be substantiated for the British audio-visual scene as well .
25 If they fail in this they are likely to be ineffective and encourage forms of organisation and control that are essentially unprofessional in their character and consequences .
26 In this they are helped by the large number of independent menswear retailers across the Channel , small shops which have individual identity .
27 ( In this they will not behave quite like real judges , who interrupt only occasionally . )
28 In this they are unlike medical researchers ; for example the Ethical Committee of the University of Newcastle upon Tyne monitors research with human subjects from a medical ethical perspective .
29 In this they have the basis to succeed , and one teacher noted after a drop-in day for former pupils :
30 In this they differ from local authorities in many other countries , which have power to do anything which is not forbidden by the constitution or the national law .
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