Example sentences of "in the time " in BNC.

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1 In the wake of the MacCabe affair in 1981 , an editorial in the Times Higher Education Supplement said that a fissiparous discipline such as English had a number of hard choices in front of it : it could become even more pluralistic and diffuse , with accompanying pedagogic problems ; it could repressively impose one favoured approach ; or it could split .
2 Mr Kinnock would be in Downing Street with an overall majority of 28 seats if there were a general election tomorrow , according to a Mori aggregate poll in The Times , which surveyed more than 7,500 people over three months .
3 And over the whole six-year period 1979-85 the average growth of M3 was 13 per cent , which happens to be exactly the same as it was between 1965 and 1973 , the period analysed by William Rees-Mogg in his famous article in The Times ( 13 June 1976 ) , ‘ How a 9.4 per cent excess money supply gave Britain 9.4 per cent inflation ’ , which denounced the conduct of economic policy in the early Seventies .
4 Since the accent in this study lies on 1922 , a report in The Times for 6 January may suffice as an eye-witness account of conditions in Saratov and Samara gubernii .
5 Only a day or two ago in The Times , a high academic figure was complaining that ‘ the nature of the demand for education , at least over the next few years , seems unlikely to correspond with any precision to the national need for more scientists and technologists ’ .
6 For the past quarter-century , the Prime Minister alone has regularly received more attention in The Times than the three leading ministers together — the Foreign Secretary , Chancellor of the Exchequer , and Leader of the House of Commons .
7 An editorial in The Times , a firm supporter of Thatcherite policies , could ask on 3 May 1985 : ‘ If these obstructions to a society , based on enterprise and shorn of its collectivist illusions , can not be dismantled in six years , what evidence is there that twelve years will be any better ? ’
8 An anonymous reviewer of the book in the Times Literary Supplement declared : ‘ If a student of British politics were to demand some precepts to guide his researches , the compiler would have little difficulty about the first and most significant maxim in the creed .
9 A plan of it had appeared in the Architects ' Journal the previous Friday , and it also appeared in The Times the morning after the Prince 's speech .
10 This says that the BBC and ITV companies place four times as much recruitment advertising in the Guardian as in the Times and Independent .
11 To the polite scepticism of orthodox American archaeologists , the expedition 's leaders are interpreting some of the hieroglyphs as containing ancient Hebrew letters and symbols which refer to Ophir , or Beth-Horon , the gold source of ancient Palestine in the times of King Solomon .
12 As Frank Johnson commented in The Times , my appearance on the short walk between the Grand Hotel and the conference centre provoked uproar from the watching demonstrators .
13 Indeed , three Conservative MPs — W.J. Anstruther-Gray , J. Scrymgeour-Wedderburn and T.J. O'Connor — had rushed straight from Olympia to Printing House Square to hand in a letter which subsequently appeared in The Times .
14 The following morning a photograph of a dejected-looking Lord Ferrers appeared in The Times , brows furrowed , mouth glum as a basset hound .
15 During the seventies , Lord Hailsham dismissed the place as ‘ arguably less persuasive than a powerful leading article in The Times , or even a good edition of Panorama . ’
16 The first some of the Tank members knew of their fate was when they read it in The Times .
17 And I had read many of Miss Hayes-Drummond 's pieces in The Times — admirably rational , objective and sincere .
18 The obituary in The Times said that while he was known as the ‘ chief engineer of a great ecclesiastical machine ’ , to his friends he was a ‘ most kindly man ’ .
19 Robin Lee in The Times maintained that both books were beneath criticism , Faludi 's for using the ‘ low-brow , flirtatious idiom of Cosmopolitan magazine ’ , French 's for being ‘ aggressive and intemperate ’ .
20 In The Times , Jim McCue thought the writing ‘ impeccably even and even handed ’ .
21 Mori in the Times gave Labour a one-point lead .
22 E. P. Thomson in The Guardian , Jeremy Black in The Times and Paul Langford in this paper also give it the thumbs-up .
23 He wrote in the Times : ‘ Last night in Sheffield , image throttled intellect and a quiet voice in every reporter present whispered that there was something disgusting about the occasion .
24 In the celebrated case of ( Re : M ) quoted in The Times , 9 May 1985 , the Court of Appeal ruled that an adoption order with a condition giving rights of access to the natural mother would only be made in the most unusual and exceptional circumstances .
25 Then , as Michael McCarthy reported in The Times on 9 September 1989 , ‘ Europe 's biggest reservoir was closed to people and animals after the discovery of a possibly poisonous bloom of algae in the water . ’
26 As Professor S.F. Bush said in The Times ( 7 October 1991 ) , it was the commercial banks not the Bank of England which generated the credit explosion in 1987–89 : ‘ A central bank , whether independent or not , is an almost total irrelevance as far as inflation is concerned in a world dominated by thousands of different monetary agencies switching assets and liabilities across the world at the touch of a button . ’
27 Prudent housekeeping kept purchases down to one horse ( £10 ) , a hay mower , some tools , and a box number advertisement in The Times seeking new member and which was moderately successful .
28 As the first turfs for Hinkley A power station were being dug in early 1958 , an unnamed correspondent in The Times reported how a stretch of countryside that had inspired Wordsworth and Coleridge 150 years before was about to savour the fruits of ‘ the atom age ’ :
29 It was reported in the Times Educational Supplement that Ferndale Comprehensive School in Mid-Glamorgan issued all of its first year pupils with free uniform and sports clothing .
30 If this extraordinary statement involved a blindness to reality , it provided no warning of the storm of anger and abuse which my series of articles in The Times was to generate among Israelis and their supporters in Britain .
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