Example sentences of "in to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Last year the government brought American Mining consultants Boyds , in to areas like South Wales where they met fierce local hostility .
2 And that 's a serious side to cos if we in Council do n't lead the way to the way that we 're trying through the Euro Cities by offering what 's good in to Europe , developing those links so that we can share them with the community here and other cultural links , then we 're doing a dis- service .
3 And then we had the er the battledress was issued , the khaki , and erm we was had our head headquarters were started , the headquarters were started in an office at , one of the office rooms at the at the Bloxwich Lock and Stamping Company by the , the top offices we used to call them , by the gates , we had one of the rooms there for and it eventually became the armoury when we got some equipment because rifles etcetera was in very short supply after Dun Dunkirk So eventually we had a few rifles and er when the er we got a few rifles and er the sirens went it was the practice at the beginning when the sirens went in this area for everything to stop and everyone down the shelter but it happened four or five times , everybody realized how non-productive this was , that the time that was lost and there was nothing happening in this area so it was decided by the R T B that we , the , the people off the shop floor would n't stop work until the attack was really imminent or it had started because if this , this was happening all over the Midlands area and of course if you , if you multiply that by the number of people at work you can imagine how much production was lost erm and also when the sirens went Major at the factory used to get the chappies out from off the shop floor , get the few rifles we 'd got , take we in to King George 's playing fields there was a , a brook running across King George 's playing fields then , it had n't and a trench which was extended to stop er aircraft from landing in King George 's cos it was just a big open space .
4 It was followed by the 101° Gruppo Tuffatori ( ex B.a'T ) with the 208 a and 238 a Squadriglia , which flew their Ju87s in to Gerbini , while on I June the 85° Gruppo R.M. was formed at Stagnone , Marsala , from the 144 a and 197 a Squadriglia with Z.506B floatplanes .
5 in to practice .
6 But lets just notice two or three things in this particular interview , the first thing that we see and its so obvious is that the way of salvation is so wondrously simple , it could n't be easier , you know there are so many people who think it is hard to get saved , who think it is hard to come to Christ and to become a Christian , well the problem is you see the devil has blinded their eyes , they 've blinded the eyes of men and women , so that they think that they ca n't do this , but what is actually happened , Paul tells us in , in , in Carinthians in the first er , in to Carinthians in chapter four and verse four , he says the god of this world has blinded the eyes of the unbelieving that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ , who is the image of god , and there is this shroud , this covering , but the thing is god takes that away so that we can see and so its not difficult to become a Christian , it is not hard to get saved , sometimes as Christians we are guilty of making it difficult for people to become Christians , we put all sorts of rules in , we , we make them undergo various periods of er , of probation before we wer we 've were , were willing to call them Christians , remember the Philippine jailer he cried out there to the apostle Paul who was er in jail there with Silus the , the be , the tremendous earthquake and they were released all their vetoers was , were broken and the prisoners were all , could of escaped and the ja , the Philippine jailer he cries out a question that I 'm sure he does n't even know what he means when he calls it out , he 's not thinking of heaven , he 's not thinking of the future life , he 's not thinking of having his sins dealt with but he just cries out what must I do to be saved and the apostle Paul and he gets , opens the scrolls and he starts in genesis and he explains the plan of salvation and he tells him what he 's got to do and he explains all the requirements and then about three or four hours later the mans mind is completely blurred he does n't understand a word of it , its gone way beyond him
7 Now if there is no problem why on earth do we have to put that sort of that sort of work by officers erm , in , in to action erm , so between the , if I understand Labour 's position now Chairman , between the twenty fifth of August and the twenty eighth of September , we have now gone from accepting the problem and seeing how we can solve a number problem to saying that there is no no number problem and that everyone is cooking the books .
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