Example sentences of "in those [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ By 1996 , 90 of all nights spent by Federal employees in hotels must be spent in those which comply with this law , ’ he said .
2 The viscous nature of andesite lavas has some interesting side effects , especially in those which approach rhyolites in composition — that is , they contain more silica than an ‘ average ’ andesite .
3 In those which do not , control still rests with the LEA .
4 In democratic states , and even in those which see themselves as having a so-called information society ( even we define it as a society which offers increased access to information ) , some forms of censorship will be as much a part of the fabric of society as in a despotic state .
5 Some means of checking companies ' compliance with the code is seen as essential if real improvements are to be made across all listed companies rather than in those which are already well run .
6 As far as is known , very few people in Islay kept a diary at that time and in those which have survived the entries are short and appear to have been inspired by the prospect of emigration or a return to their native heath by one who had spent many years abroad .
7 As far as is known , very few people in Islay kept a diary at that time and in those which have survived the entries are short and appear to have been inspired by the prospect of emigration or a return to their native heath by one who had spent many years abroad .
8 Somewhere in the middle is the approach — typified by the TSB Environmental Investor Fund , best known for its association with television personality Dr David Bellamy — which avoids investing in companies if they are substantially involved in , or have a material interest in polluting ( or military ) activities , but may invest in those which are , trying to avoid pollution .
9 In those we see its final result .
10 Psychogenic reactions of this type are most likely to occur in those whose symptoms are purely psychosomatic , but who prefer to think they are ‘ allergic ’ to food , because they see this as being a more respectable sort of illness .
11 A simple explanation of the facts provided a statistically significant degree of reassurance ( mean score at baseline 34.6 ( 31.5 to 37.6 ) , after information 32.3 ( 29.8 to 34.9 ) ; p=0.012 ) , although this small effect is likely to be clinically important only in those whose baseline anxiety was high ( r=0.27 , p=0.05 ) .
12 Resolution was delayed in younger children and in those whose parents smoked , irrespective of treatment .
13 Of course , their domestic tastes were more grandiose than most contented couples , and Elena played her part in promoting the over-decoration of their apartments in the various palaces they used , and even in those they never visited .
14 So if you look in those you may find there 's some help there .
15 So if you look in those you may find there 's some help there .
16 ‘ I need two or three good club games under my belt first and if I do well in those I hope they will include me in the team again . ’
17 The same is found in the young woman , who inspires trust in those she meets .
18 Flavia said bravely , ‘ She looks for virtue in those she loves .
19 H.D. , nicknamed ‘ the Hama-dryad ’ , is the subject of much high-spirited comedy in the letters that Ezra and Dorothy exchanged , and this ought to provoke second thoughts in those who want to take Hilda 's account at face-value : H.D. may have honestly persuaded herself that she was the great ( though virginal ) love of Pound 's life , but it 's unlikely that Pound thought so , nor need we .
20 But he was resented by long memories in those who had fought a war ; by Churchill 's men for weakening the morale of the Air Force through his attacks on area bombing ; by the school of Lord Vansittart which loathed Germans and said that Nazis were typical of that race , and hated a bishop who told them never to identify the true Germany with Hitler .
21 We have seen that the difficulty of obtaining the gratuitous services of suitable persons to act as trustees has necessarily led to the practice of reposing an ever wider range of discretion in those who can only thus be persuaded to act .
22 His finding was that the capacity to experience it was much more highly developed in wives who had indulged in intercourse before marriage than in those who had remained chaste — in short there was much to be said against chastity .
23 In it he insisted that ‘ worship requires serious effort , not only in the one who is to lead it , but in those who are to follow it and make it theirs ’ .
24 Just as the sea , on its own , can be uncomfortably tedious , or just uncomfortable , so it tends to fashion strong , often amusing , character in those who spend their working lives upon it .
25 ‘ All the polling organisations , like our own private polling , demonstrate a very great firmness of support in those who say thus far that they are going to be voting Labour , and softness in Conservative support . ’
26 Cultural marginality , which encompasses the culture of poverty concept ( Lewis 1966 ) , has been largely discredited because of the implication that traits such as apathy and passivity , which are the hallmarks of the culture of poverty , are very strongly imbedded in those who grow up in such a culture and therefore prevent them responding positively if opportunities arise .
27 And interest in watching Commons TV declined over time ; the numbers who said they would be or were ‘ very interested ’ in watching dropped from 24% before televising started to 10% after three months , with a corresponding rise in those who said they were ‘ not at all interested ’ from 18% to 30% .
28 As usual , ideas associated with ‘ life ’ generated much emotion , especially in those who were not anxious to define their words accurately .
29 Those who say that they believe in God and yet neither love nor fear him , do not in fact believe in him but in those who have taught them that God exists .
30 The virus lies dormant in the tissues and will manifest itself , in those who suffer symptomatic recurrences , following a variety of provocatory factors .
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