Example sentences of "in so [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But may I point out to you , Dr. Briant , that I for one — and I think it likely that the audience feels much as I do — find the material you are giving us in so admirably concise and ordered a manner is not as intelligible as it might be , since we are ordinary simple souls ?
2 If he had n't been such a lousy husband I might not have got myself in so deep … ’
3 In so adroitly ‘ carrying ’ Gandhi , Irwin greatly reduced his value as an ally .
4 The preventative , the word preventative comes in so frequently , and particularly in the children 's services , I agree with the second one , it but I would like to have a more detailed report er , on that second element which is on page seven , the last item before you get to elderly people .
5 The XJ speeds north over the road-bridge , no lights or siren on but we clip along and it 's the smoothest fucking motorway journey I 've ever had ; just a total hassle-free zone creaming along around the ton with no worries about unmarked police cars and hoo-wee the traffic in front of us just fucking evaporates ; man , just brakes ( and wobbles sometimes as the guy probably gets the cold sweats and the wo-where'd-my-stomach-go ? feeling ) , swings meekly left and brakes again ; you 've never seen a beefy BMW 5-series duck in so fast in your life ; might as well all be driving 2CVs .
6 Only the quota on Japanese vehicles prevents a true head-to-head with the class-leading Discovery and the Isuzu Trooper that has cashed in so successfully in this growth sector of the market .
7 His pride of heart and condition may again take place and a man who could in so little a space first love me , then hate , then banish me his house and now send for me again in such affectionate terms may still waver , may still deceive thee .
8 And then that 's where the Mac comes in so importantly , because it gives you that straightaway .
9 Mr. Miller , of whom I must always retain the highest sense , both for the Knowledge I have received from his Labours , and more particularly that Friendship and Communicativeness with which he always treated me , was blessed with a more favourable Situation in the progress of his Experiments , by enjoying the kind Influence of the Sun ( the parent of Vegetation ) in so high a Degree as to have the Vine in full ripeness on the natural Wall , without the assistance of Art ; and could we all experience the same Felicity , I need not have communicated my Observations or my Countrymen wanted an other Tutor …
10 Thanks were expressed to all members of committee for their help and support during the year with special thanks to the new members who had fitted in so well and had been willing to get involved in all the work of the committee … to the ex-officio members of the committee Councillor Mrs. B. Brereton , Councillor H.D.G. Fraser and G. Lightheart the community education officer .
11 Thanks were expressed to all members of committee for their help and support during the year with special thanks to the new members who had fitted in so well and had been willing to get involved in all the work of the committee … to the ex-officio members of the committee Councillor Mrs. B. Brereton , Councillor H.D.G. Fraser and G. Lightheart the community education officer .
12 She fits in so well .
13 Luke gripped her shoulder , digging his fingers in so hard she winced with pain .
14 He was manipulating her shamelessly and it was intensely irritating that he had homed in so accurately on the most effective way of doing it — not by bullying , but by appealing to her competitive instincts .
15 Because my plants are packed in so tightly I spend a great deal of time trimming and tying .
16 He disobeyed Baudelaire 's instruction to be partial , or obeyed it only in so far as he took a stand against conservative taste .
17 But this was a drama , the story of the circumstances of Van Gogh 's life ; ‘ No attempt has been made , ’ wrote Meier-Graefe , ‘ to make a critical analysis of the pictures , which enter upon the scene only in so far as they concern the drama directly or indirectly . ’
18 The republicanism of Irish socialist nationalists was of course logical in so far as they interpreted imperialism as an enemy of the indigenous population and as an expropriator of the people .
19 It indicates that a real change did eventually take place after all , in so far as freedom of information and the inappropriateness of direct consultation without public mediation eventually became accepted as something which , at worst , had to be risked and something which , at best , formed an essential task of the construction of a Christian conscience in a Christian society .
20 After the initial impetus has run out , he wrote , and before one has got in so far that it is easier to finish than to go back , it is then that it becomes hard to be sure of your footing , hard to know why you are doing what you are doing , hard to know if you are doing correctly what you are doing .
21 The karate bout has some similarities with a boxing match in so far as both contestants move around the ring exchanging blows .
22 And so one may say , in more directly Piagetian terms , that the child 's thinking fails , by our lights , in so far as one thought is not balanced ( ‘ in equilibrium with ’ in Piaget 's jargon ) by another .
23 In so far as it ‘ translates ’ at all , the nervous system ‘ translates ’ only from nerve impulses into nerve impulses , from sodium fluxes into sodium fluxes .
24 But this was only innovative in so far as classical ballet was concerned as there are many 5/4 Slav folk dances .
25 The interest of how things are resides in their figuration , discernible and expressible by the deeper realist , of how things will be only in so far as that futurity is the truth and the end of how they are and always have been .
26 Well yes , in so far as it 's a question of degree , though if Crime and Punishment really is the king of thrillers then there 's something unique to remark in it and even to wax a bit pompous about .
27 The Possessed looked for a long time like losing its way , and Dostoevsky would surely concede that in so far as the design was , to use his own word , tendentious , this was bound to be so .
28 In so far as Hartman 's book wants to be read as a form of fiction , one can make the adverse literary-critical point that the prose is dense and cloyingly arch , with a crooning , caressing quality about it , suggesting the tone of a man talking quietly and earnestly to himself rather than trying to communicate anything to others .
29 In so far as that essay gives some warrant to the idea of free-for-all hermeneutics , then , concedes Norris , ‘ ‘ Structure , Sign and Play' ’ is a text which , at least in its closing paragraphs , falls below the highest standards of Derridean argumentative rigour . ’
30 The graduate in English was to be to some extent a scholar , in so far as he or she had a sense of the past and the capacity to understand literature in its historical contexts , particularly linguistic ; beyond that , what was looked for was wide reading , an appreciation of masterpieces , and a capacity to write well , attend to evidence , and disentangle sense from nonsense in argument .
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