Example sentences of "in all [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You know we had we had field postcards in all them days .
2 No Anthony 's still eating darling , right , now that word there says Doc , D O C which is the name of one of the dwarfs , okay , so in all them letters there is the name Doc , so you 've got to look for those three letters D O C alright , so you go along , no let me show you how to do it then .
3 In all we promise the publick to be as careful as possible not to lead them into mistakes , nor will we mention any particular tree , plant , flower or fruit which is not in our own garden … we do not propose to mention many different species of trees and plants that are either in the public Botanick Garden , nor that may be in the possession of some curious gentlemen , but only such as are actually in the nurseries of persons belonging to this Society and from where any Gentleman may be furnished with any of the particulars here treated of by directing their letters for the Society of Gardeners at Newhall 's Coffee House in Chelsea , Nr .
4 ‘ So all in all we are delighted to be associated with this prestigious world event ’ , concluded Matthew Gloag .
5 All in all we think you will find the Apex perfectly practical .
6 Our Christian motivation is to honour Christ in all we do , including the quality of our work irrespective of whom we work for , whether they are good employers or not .
7 He calls Christians on all sides of industry , and in any working situation , to bring honour to the name of Christ , to deal with the real and potential conflicts of our relationships by applying the principles of service in all we are and do .
8 In all we had twelve chases .
9 ‘ All in all we feel we now have better control over our customer file and can be pro-active more than reactive .
10 There were at least four large Russian Factory ships just inside the Summer Isles , the rest consisted of a mixed bag of Polish , Bulgarian , and even Italian freezer trawlers , in all we counted more than thirty ships awaiting their turn to load mackerel from the Scottish purse netters .
11 ‘ My one motto or guiding principle for the year is value for members in all we do .
12 In all we traced five letters between these parties and one between Simm-Lewis ( Machinery ) and Pearce-Higgins concerning parts of ‘ Carlisle ’ .
13 We intend to focus much more on our customers and their needs so that in all we do , from land purchase to after-sales service , we recognise that we need to be a customer driven company .
14 The pipebridge section alone held five tons of hot water when it was full and in all we must have pumped hundreds of tons around the system .
15 The reduction in interest broadly matched the increase in tax paid between the two years , so the net movement of funds from operations are a critical parameter for whether we 're really generating cash for new initiatives , significantly better at forty five point six million and this this excludes the proceeds of fixed asset disposals , so all in all we had pretty nearly sixty million cash free and clear .
16 Beryl welcomed Kay Evans and thanked her on behalf of everyone for finding time in her busy life to attend our training days and for the interest she always shows in all we do .
17 ‘ All in all we have removed 10 tonnes of ammunition from the inside of the U-534 .
18 Jack Russells are difficult animals to teach to retrieve — I have only had one that would do it properly — but they can be taught to work nets , drive rabbits into nets and to be thoroughly disciplined in all they do .
19 ‘ Such persons commonly live in a dream world , and believe themselves in all they say .
20 They were sometimes homesick — she for Yorkshire , he for Russia , but all in all they were happy — and hopeful … .
21 Craig Young of the support team says they 're coping very well and in all they 're cycling 1147 miles … running 30 miles and swimming 8 miles … in Scotland they had to run through five foot snow drifts on Ben Nevis
22 In all they 've questioned twelve present and former members of staff from the school , which has been closed for four months .
23 Erm , I mean , all in all they did , they did get the final result , the scene came together right from the last eleven minutes to achieve the result , but it was just there was a lot of confusion at the beginning of the start .
24 In the dream , I was singing it in all me funny voices , from the squeaky one to the gruff one and it was a pile of bollocks .
25 ‘ Oh , yer rotten liar , ’ breathed the young woman , a shabby black straw hat on her head , ‘ I never snaffled no gent 's wallet in all me born days . ’
26 Not a drop of gin or brandy ever touched me lips in all me born days .
27 ‘ Oh , you rotten beast , I 've never 'ad fleas in all me born days . ’
28 She complains cheerfully as we enter saying , ‘ Jaz I 've never had so many people kissin' me in all me life , strangers and all , you 'd tink I was in Italy or England or America , God forbid ! ’
29 As in all I have ever attempted .
30 All in all I was glad she did not live next door to me .
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