Example sentences of "in it [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 But sometimes if we 've got the wrong fuse in it wo n't blow and it will continue to feed the electric current through to the heater or whatever piece of electrical apparatus it is , until such times as we have a fire situation .
2 the correct fuse in it wo n't go .
3 But when you put your filter in it wo n't run because by time your bag 's filling up it 's pushing your filter in .
4 But an option in it might be provided for those who were curious about what English poetry was like before , so to speak , it became English .
5 Another reason is that I thought writing in it might be like having someone to talk to , and if I read it back later it would be like someone talking to me .
6 But towards the end of my anorexic period I think I was verging upon mental illness in the sense that even those who disbelieve in it might accept , that is , I had become out of touch with reality as perceived by others and unable to cope with demands of everyday life .
7 The latter is a recognized field of work in its own right and some people in it might be surprised to find themselves called public relations operators , but the speciality derives from public relations and the counselling , reconciliatory and persuasive nature of the work comfortably fits it within the broader spectrum of public relations practice .
8 But people who have an interest in it might , from our series , become a little bit more interested .
9 Lucy glanced at Josie , wondering what the story was and what her place in it might be .
10 Perhaps then the current expanding universe resulted not from a big bang singularity , but from an earlier contracting phase ; as the universe had collapsed the particles in it might not have all collided , but had flown past and then away from each other , producing the present expansion of the universe .
11 In the past , the Americans opposed the idea of a Palestinian state : there was not enough room , they said ; and , given independence , the people in it might break their promise to be nice to Israel .
12 and the reason for that was because if left in it might mislead a prospective purchaser
13 Well , no , one has to bear in mind the type of situation , so power dressing as in it might be a tool but it 's very very professional .
14 ‘ If you put some fire-lighters in it 'll start again in no time . ’
15 Er now we we 're trying very hard I have n't I have n't managed at this particular moment to er to contact with Mary Whitehouse we erm we have n't we have n't we will try and er in it 'll it 'll probably happen you never know .
16 And it 's in it 'll be twice in a month .
17 Why do n't you just stuff it in it 'll just !
18 But oh , I do n't know , whoever gets in it 'll all still be the same in years so
19 Got ta colour all this in it 'll take ages !
20 Design is about the way a product not only looks , but also functions , and for anybody in manufacturing industry or retailing to say they do n't take an interest in it would be perfectly ludicrous , because at the end of the day it is design that causes a product either to be successful or unsuccessful .
21 If we were going to cave in it would have been today .
22 As the magma approached the surface , the pressure on it would decrease , and the gas in it would expand ; as the gas expanded it would take up more room , and this in turn would force the whole mass to rise faster and higher up the vent .
23 Even if Popper 's claims for ‘ World Three ’ and Olson 's for ‘ autonomous text ’ were valid — and Rommetveit 's work casts further doubt on them the world which they are striving for would be an impoverished one and the ‘ knowledge ’ which could be stored in it would be narrow and limited .
24 This document put forward the now stereotypical view that a population with a decreasing number of young people in it would be unprogressive and less vigorous than other nations .
25 If the incorrect code was programmed in it would activate a canister of lethal nerve gas which was secreted in the ceiling directly above the door .
26 She had brought his heart to life and what she had left in it would never die .
27 If I were to choose any country in the world to live as a family in it would have to be somewhere different , perhaps exotic .
28 In that awful heart-stopping moment Robyn wished the whole damn fountain with her in it would quietly sink into the ground and disappear forever .
29 If a number of people share a house , it is unlikely that any student in it would be worse off than under the community charge .
30 A statement in early September 1989 by the National Assembly Speaker , Saadi Medhi Saleh , had referred to the regime 's commitment to a multiparty system , although decisions regarding the political forces which would be permitted to take part in it would be left to the " near future " .
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