Example sentences of "it as they " in BNC.

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1 It does appear that ITV is indulging in some manipulation of the finale , instead of reflecting it as they should .
2 Nothing guarantees that the Americans and Russians will go on supplying it as they have done for the past couple of years .
3 Other mares will tolerate , boss , or defer to it as they would to the mother herself .
4 The CMHTs and SPOs operated without the benefit of a clear service philosophy for too long and had to invent it as they went along .
5 Arups worked out a method of cutting out the rusted iron in very small sections and strengthening it as they went along .
6 It is interesting to note that when they do discover some titbit amongst the bottom debris , they very rarely charge off with it as they normally do when picking up our hookbaits .
7 Boullee was the architect of the sublime , and he said that there should be poetry in architecture , and that men should be moved emotionally by it as they would be by a poem .
8 But we must n't blame philosophers if they tell it as they see it with the aid of their philosophical telescopes and microscopes .
9 Fredrick taught his brother his technique in a short time and the two brothers worked side by side , often having long discussions about the technique , modifying it as they went along .
10 If you find a trapped badger do n't attempt to handle it as they have a vicious bite .
11 They enjoyed doing the shop , and wanted others to have the pleasure of listening to it as they drive in their car , or walk with their walkman .
12 Here was a Burger King , untouched , though the crowd must have swept past it as they hastened to torch ( loot is too optimistic a word for these foul establishments ) the Winchells Do-nut restaurant a few yards further on .
13 In fact , she felt that they were deterred by it as they left quickly with no attempt at explanation .
14 In one case , police admitted that they cried out for investigation , but explained that they could not undertake it as they had no men with the expertise needed .
15 Although some of these fish are persistent in this action , in my experience many grow out of it as they mature .
16 Let all the well-heeled English pooh-pooh it as they may , he knew that pounds , shillings and pence bought warmth , desirable goods and security and he wanted that for himself , for his family and , as time went on , for an ever-increasing host of dependants .
17 The operators ignored it as they were used to the odd US aircraft in the area .
18 Small children may have no choice about being included , but could develop strong feelings about it as they grow up .
19 Knowing that she turned the peeping Toms on with her performances — and that they could do nothing about it as they sat there , transfixed by her sex and her flagrant use of it .
20 Journalists who call to the farm to interview me do see us in that setting and describe it as they will but those really are only momentary glimpses into what must remain , fundamentally , my private life .
21 The few jobs that are available are so poorly paid that the few who are offered such employment can not afford to take it as they would n't be able to afford the rent on their new homes .
22 On the question of the government 's proposals I 'm entirely opposed to the er the idea that they should wash their hands of their er , obligations er , the nineteen sixty eight act as as a number of members know er , gave it as they are the duty of a local authority to acquire some sites for gypsies some local authorities er , obeyed that and er they actually provide the sites , like Harlow , other authorities just ignored it !
23 It was decided by the authorities that the building of the dam across the valley was a ‘ regrettable necessity ’ — but they determined to make as satisfactory a job of it as they could .
24 On the one hand papal taxation was preserving them from Edward 's attentions , except for customary feudal dues and prerogative levies ; it is safe to assume that the laity were adapting readily to the notion of leaving the tax burden , or as much of it as they could , to the clergy .
25 Their duty is simply to apply it as they understand it . ’
26 The three ships swirled around my ship , neatly bracketing it as they matched its speed .
27 Subjects were asked to rate the passage for comprehensibility and to recall as much of it as they could .
28 At the end of presentation subjects rated the passage for comprehensibility and then wrote down as much of it as they could remember , as close to verbatim as possible .
29 There could be a good Dream in artificial intelligence the POV of an omniscient machine intellect , and its struggles with humans who are to it as they are to ants .
30 The public can see it as they walk by .
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