Example sentences of "it is time " in BNC.

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1 Be very clear , he wrote : I do not feel that it is time and thought wasted because the end result is less than I had hoped .
2 Surely it is time that breweries understood the importance of their Victorian pubs , and turned to conservation rather than mutilation .
3 ‘ Eh bien , my friends , ’ he said , brushing a crumb of cheese straw from the lapel of his immaculately pressed suit , ‘ it is time to make the beginning .
4 If it begins to look doubtful that the site can be reached and the glider is down to 1,000 feet , it is time to select the best possible field within easy reach and to make a safe landing in it .
5 At their 1974 conference they decided : ‘ It is time to end the service 's love affair with education ’ .
6 And then just when we might not stop , oh my love , my virgin forest and me your virgin explorer , it is time , just like that , to stop .
7 It is time for certain philosophers to come and take a hard look at the data which we have collected before they dismiss our models and our philosophical assumptions so glibly .
8 Windowboxes and other containers often begin to run out of flower power towards the end of summer , but it is usually possible to give them a boost to sustain interest until it is time to plant them up for a spring display .
9 Once a user is convinced that the DSP chip is capable of fulfilling the system requirements then it is time to start the design for real , probably design of an embedded system .
10 It is time , it is thought , for English to organize itself in ways that make it more like a proper academic discipline , with clear procedures and goals .
11 Arthur Cox 's admiration for John Fashanu is well known , and perhaps it is time for the Maxwell millions to be used to purchase just such a battering Ram .
12 In the early evening , almost as soon as she finishes her meal , it is time to have her make-up taken off and her nightdress put on — before the nurse leaves .
13 Most critics ignore the dreariness of our streets , but it is time for the public to demand better
14 All elections in two-party parliamentary systems are essentially about whether or not it is time for a change .
15 Sir : Now that the dust kicked up by the mass raid on the Broadwater Farm estate last week has begun to settle , it is time to embark upon an assessment of its effects .
16 It is time we were told .
17 That match , for ‘ Jacki ’ , is , of course , against England , and he believes it is time for a reversal of recent results between the two countries .
18 The deficit is rising and it is time , to use a phrase coined by the Wall Street Journal , to end these ‘ fiscal follies ’ .
19 It is time for the party as a whole to take a step back and look at the way in which its democracy is being carried out , ’ he told the conference .
20 It is time to match again that degree of ingenuity .
21 Prolonged prosperity is as likely as prolonged adversity to engender the mood that it is time for a change .
22 It is time that Mr Lawson was targeted with all his friends .
23 The analogy is with instinctive mystery — an arcane communing which erupts suddenly at a mutually understood signal , like an entire species of bird becoming aware that it is time to mate .
24 Surely it is time we stopped talking of elephants as if they were a commodity to be traded , like so many cans of paint , and accept them for what they are , ancient and splendid fellow inhabitants of the earth who share with us the joys of close kinship bonds and grieve when they are severed .
25 Then it is time to make a tipping policy .
26 Now it is time to consider the area 's ethnic relationship as a whole to the Great-Russian heartland .
27 The Prince calls for everyone to realise that it is time to take adequate stock of such landscapes , our collective effect upon it and our responsibilities towards it .
28 The speaker offended by gross lapses of taste — ‘ It is time that old bachelor on the Tiber got married ’ , — ‘ Nicodemus was a religious sneak ’ — and by forceful appeals — ‘ Will the hypocrites please leave the church ? ’
29 It is time that envy was reinstated in its rightful place , as one of the basic data of individual and social psychology .
30 When this happens it is time to celebrate and consider all the various offers raining in from the major labels .
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