Example sentences of "it is all " in BNC.

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1 Whether the final total is £5 or £5,000 , it is all very much needed .
2 But what if the motorless machine is what it is all about ?
3 It is all a question , he wrote , of what we owe ourselves .
4 It is all a matter of acclimatisation ... and practice .
5 It is all supposition ; the gentry may have swung the government against the Act by now .
6 As with large tracts of The Possessed this is in effect third-person narrative , recalling the notebook assurance that whether ‘ my ’ story is based on hard facts or has simply been made up , it is all ‘ true ’ .
7 It is all perfectly logical and unambiguous , but not designed for people .
8 All — his pride in his memory , his sense of the internationale of writers , painters , musicians , and the aristocrats , his study of form as technique ( no contours , no edges , intellectual concepts , but rounding , thrusting , as a splash of color , as Yeats described his aim in the Cantos … ) it is all a huge AESTHETICISM , ending in hate for Jews , Reds , change , the content and matter often of disaster , a loss of future , and in that a fatality as death-full as those for whom the atom bomb is Armageddon , not Apocalypse .
9 It is all about health , fitness , training , tone and tanning .
10 It is all in stark contrast to the two pages Neues Deutschland devoted to feting the ‘ fundamental lesson ’ to be learned from China , and showing demonstrators to be vicious thugs .
11 Mel Pyatt , the Volvo spokesman said : ‘ It is all very sad ; loyalty seems to have gone by the board .
12 It is all in order because the proceedings start with a service conducted by the Anglican rural dean , at which the reading is by a member of the Free Churches , and where prayers are said by a Jesuit .
13 It is all out of order because the preliminaries are a shambles .
14 It is all about presentation .
15 Heterosexual , homosexual , narcissistic , normal , or incest , it is all the same thing … .
16 I think in the long view it is all to the good that the government have to look after their own chickens as they come home to roost , and get a lot of the dirt cleared before we come in .
17 It is all part of Roddick 's determination to imbue retailing with a higher status in society .
18 There is so much to see , even though it is all basically made of the same ingredients .
19 I peer into the rain for a glimpse of Storskarfjell , but it is all wet misery to the south .
20 They may come and have a look at the baby , but the singing , the gathering together at night — it is all women .
21 Baffling because it is all so new and strange , and exciting because it brings the first hint , the first distant suggestion that for women an independent economic identity is possible .
22 It is all up to you — and I decided that I was never going to say anything to her because I had done it all on my own .
23 Adults and children spend time learning to read and write so that they may recover and renew what is best even though it is all sadly threatened again by those who destroyed it a generation ago .
24 It is all standard royal stuff , but not much help to the millions who fear that Hong Kong will not remain open after 1997 .
25 They may rightly feel that it is all really rather appalling .
26 It is all getting much more complicated .
27 It is all happening too fast for us to take anything quite for granted , neither becoming blase about the sight of ossified regimes crumbling at the knees , nor entirely ruling out the thought of some treacherous counter-current .
28 It is all illegal , of course .
29 It is all happening too fast for us to take anything quite for granted , neither becoming blase about the sight of ossified regimes crumbling at the knees , nor entirely ruling out the thought of some treacherous counter-current .
30 It is all that remains of Hitler 's bunker , the place of Gotterdammerung .
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