Example sentences of "it that [art] " in BNC.

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1 In an implicit reminder that 380,000 Soviet troops were still stationed on East German soil , he said : ‘ We firmly declared that we will see to it that no harm comes to the GDR . ’
2 Mungo realized as he said it that no policeman would ever admit to anything being exciting .
3 As often we are at the mercy of his laconic whim : why is it that no trust is involved ?
4 Since then , scurrilous rumours have had it that no proceedings were to be published .
5 Why is it that no movement of spiritual renewal has ever lasted longer than the third generation ?
6 And , if so , would Suzie be so blinded by it that no appeal to her would prevail ?
7 He did not as yet know all the details of how they had died , and what had gone before , but rumour had it that no great physical strength had been involved so that you could not rule out a woman as the killer .
8 Evolution must surely have seen to it that a good proportion of our thoughts are true of the world , and so in some simple sense the mind must perform computations which record the world and direct our behaviour appropriately .
9 I had the feeling on reading it that a dam had just burst , and that she had a great deal more to say .
10 How was it that a major piece of canal engineering came to be constructed on one of the least profitable stretches of a minor and dilapidated canal , in the heart of rural England , at a time when the prospects for canals were at their gloomiest ?
11 Whatever the reason , you will have to take my word for it that a hill-walk is still an exhilarating day out even when you ca n't see a thing .
12 What possible sense can there be in a legal rule , for example , which has it that a woman is presumed fertile even though she is past menopause or has undergone a hysterectomy operation ?
13 How is it that a large cavern with a high roof may be formed underground ?
14 Probing questions are asked : Why is it that a number of students , broadly successful across most of their subjects , have all done badly in …
15 ( Rumour has it that a diet of Scottish scones and cookies can alleviate some of the effects of lead .
16 The Stewarts had another residence , in Renfrewshire , and it was while they were visiting it that a tragedy occurred .
17 Why is it that a specific person has the indefinable ‘ It ’ and another has not ?
18 Somewhere in the middle of the fifteenth century , legend has it that a little girl was tending sheep here when a young lady came to play with her .
19 But rumour has it that a sevens tournament is going to be organised in Moscow in September to decide who takes over the Soviet place : Russia , Ukraine , Georgia , Latvia or Kazakhstan .
20 Exasperated with all this pussy-footing , and knowing of Mountbatten 's wishes that what he had said should be known , I saw to it that a transcript of the Suez programme reached my friend Bernard Levin at The Times , and he published the core of it in two long articles .
21 It is as if each writer had taken the memory of some powerful event ( the terrible shock of being woken by a piercing noise ; discovering the ‘ magical ’ properties of magnets ) and daydreamed in such a concentrated way about it that a group of people , a situation , a story began to emerge .
22 Legend has it that a real giant terrorised the locals .
23 Wittgenstein explicitly rejects what Locke and Brentano unquestioningly accept , namely that there is a perfectly proper epistemological question , ‘ How is it that a person can say what he himself believes , expects , hopes , and so on ? ’ to which the answer is that he must have observed in himself a mental operation , process , state , or whatever you like to call it , of believing , expecting , hoping , and so on .
24 The real problem is that Televisa 's experience in Mexico may have convinced it that a strategy which worked well in a market where the company was protected by the government is one that will succeed in the face of intense competition .
25 We regularly take it that a causal circumstance is linked by way of a causal chain or sequence to its effect .
26 We do indeed have it that a causal circumstance necessitated its effect .
27 What do we have in mind in taking it that a causal circumstance makes an effect happen ?
28 How is it that a method which has failed elsewhere in relevantly similar circumstances suffices to yield knowledge this time ?
29 If we take it that a Conservative defeat is most probable , we assert the subjunctive conditional .
30 Again , this may explain that phenomenon which is central to the relevance of discourse analysis to language teaching : how is it that a student with an advanced proficiency in pronunciation , grammar , and lexis somehow fails to use these language skills to communicate successfully ?
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