Example sentences of "it right [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Designing a ring is always a lengthy process which involves me producing a number of drawings until the customer and I get it right between us .
2 Was it right down her back was it ?
3 It caused us a lot of extra work , major changes and more travel to get it right for the second larger meeting .
4 As well as noting down what strikes you as important , try to answer the question , is it right for me and my family ?
5 But is it right for those in the congregation to regard the priest at the Eucharist as ‘ a specific and bodily reminder ’ of Jesus ?
6 IN an energy-conscious world , is it right for towns to switch on their Christmas lights so many weeks before the big day ?
7 Was it right for me to assume that I would remain senior partner until retirement ?
8 But he said : ‘ The fans may not think Ian 's the best man for the job but if they lay off him for a bit then he might get it right for them . ’
9 Simply trying to get it right for the ‘ event ’ is unlikely to be adequate , and correctly so .
10 Bingham must get it right for a match I feel we can get a 0–0 draw or a 1–0 win out of — yes , I 'm serious !
11 Event organiser and wine expert Jean Francois Jamet of Guinness Northern Ireland said : ‘ The trade here work very hard to get it right for their customers , and this event will give them an unequalled chance to sample probably the widest range of wines ever assembled for buyers in Northern Ireland . ’
12 That 's not the question , the question is is it right for this person to be found guilty , is it right for this person to be found innocent ?
13 That 's not the question , the question is is it right for this person to be found guilty , is it right for this person to be found innocent ?
14 There you are I got it right for
15 Now there 's a word that covers that and that the the choice of words based on on getting it right for the audience particularly in terms of jargon is what is called wordsmith .
16 We 'll continue to improve our strategy until we eliminate these potentially unsafe conditions — we 're already working on getting it right for the next overhaul in 1993 .
17 but you 've got to you 've got to address both of those schools and ask yourself is it right for one to subsidise another .
18 It 's an , a small number of , of viruses which constantly shift , and the WHO organisation which monitors flu viruses around the world , is responsible for seeing that the vaccine is made from strains that are in circulation currently , and , and we 've been getting it right for the last ten years , so I , I think there 'll be no problem this year .
19 Erm , but you 're saying , you do n't , you want to get it right without doing that .
20 But he will get it right with a bit more work over the next couple of days . ’
21 He flicks through his computer in search of the file marked : ‘ Over-confidence ; The Perils Of , ’ and he produces a stream of anodyne phrases which might have been scripted at Anfield or Old Trafford : ‘ Take nothing for granted … great respect for the opposition … must get it right on the day . ’
22 We have decades of experience on mortality rates and so on ; we should get it right on the basis of sheer statistics . ’
23 They were wrong , so why should we believe that they have got it right on this occasion ?
24 Is my right hon. and learned Friend aware that during the past 25 years successive Governments have never quite got it right on training , which is so essential to our future prosperity ?
25 ‘ Like us , they have also experienced a bad start and I 'm sure they will want to get it right on Sunday .
26 ‘ He has n't got it right at all .
27 ‘ I have n't got the timing right yet — but I get it right about one night in three and it 's worth it . ’
28 They came out in great numbers to support us despite our poor early season form , and I 'm confident we 'll get it right against Dundalk on Sunday . ’
29 They came out in great numbers to support us despite our poor early season form , and I 'm confident we 'll get it right against Dundalk on Sunday . ’
30 You do n't think about anything else apart from getting it right in front of the cameras . ’
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