Example sentences of "it provide for " in BNC.

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1 In the latter half of the twentieth century , belief in Sandys ' nuclear philosophy counted for less than the political opportunity that it provided for ending National Service .
2 It provided for a ban on imports of ozone-gobbling chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ) , of products containing CFCs , and of products which used CFCs in their manufacturing process .
3 It provided for Kurdish legislative and executive councils , but real power was retained by the central government in Baghdad .
4 It provided for 532 flats and maisonettes in eleven storey and four storey blocks .
5 These and many other such instances , however , are mainly cases where , although the constitution forbade the enactment of the law in question by that legislature or process , it provided for it to be enacted in some other way , e.g. by constitutional amendment .
6 In effect it provided for the dismemberment of Abyssinia and the giving to Mussolini of about half of what he had set himself to achieve by conquest .
7 One result of this has been the pervasive influence of linguistic methodology upon such studies of objects as have developed in recent decades ; and while the rise of semiotics in the 1960s was advantages in that it provided for the extension of linguistic research into other domains , any of which could be treated as a semiotic system ( e.g. Eco 1976 : 9–14 ) , this extension took place at the expense of subordinating the object qualities of things to their word-like properties .
8 It provided for a minimum but no maximum .
9 Were Lascars and Chinamen to benefit from the improvements in food , accommodation , repatriation etc. which it provided for British seamen ?
10 Basically it provided for the care and treatment of the mentally disordered through the NHS under the central direction of the Minister of Health .
11 It provided for a ‘ union of sovereign republics ’ , not necessarily of socialist ones ; the Congress of People 's Deputies , in December , had agreed not to change the name of the state , but there was still some criticism that the world 's first socialist state had somehow disappeared with the promulgation of a union treaty that made no reference to its social character .
12 Indeed it was historic , in that it provided for the first time for the elimination of an entire class of nuclear arms — land-based missiles of intermediate and shorter range .
13 There was another feature of the legislation , in that it provided for new ways of involving the public in plan preparation .
14 It provided for nationalization of forests , the sale of some state-owned industries to provide money for agricultural development , some worker participation in prophet sharing , revision of electoral laws ( including significant rights for women ) , the formation of a Literacy Corps in an attempt to take education to the countryside and .
15 However , middle class observers were sensitive to the possibility that the working class husband might not provide ; after all , the bourgeois family model was favoured because of the work incentive it provided for working class men , which presupposed that such an incentive was necessary .
16 It provided for total investments of Epounds 14,500 million , of which Epounds 9,600 million would be allocated to the public sector and the balance to the private sector .
17 It provided for ( i ) a provisional 60-day ceasefire and the restriction of contra forces to designated zones ; ( ii ) high-level negotiations on democratic reforms and a permanent ceasefire ; and ( iii ) certain concessions by the Nicaraguan government including an amnesty .
18 Envisaging a 4 per cent real growth in 1990 , it provided for a 10 per cent reduction in public expenditure , a wage increase for public employees , and the establishment of shops to sell basic items at low cost .
19 Instead of the elections earlier promised for April 1990 , it provided for a loya jirga or grand assembly of over 2,000 members ( 10 from each of 216 districts in Afghanistan plus 15 from each of the seven groups based in Peshawar , either elected or chosen by local councils ) which would select first a new government and parliament .
20 It provided for higher social services expenditure , and also reflected recent unfavourable exchange rate movements .
21 During this period it provided for the suspension of government subsidies to industry and industrial promotion benefits ( a form of tax relief to companies in the interior ) , and for a halt to subsidies to provincial administrations .
22 It provided for a cut in the top rate of income tax from 68 to 52 per cent , a cut in corporation tax from 50 to 35 per cent ( later amended to 40 per cent ) , and a range of cuts in excise duties on consumer goods .
23 It provided for regular ministerial consultations including bi-annual foreign ministers ' meetings .
24 It provided for an estimated expenditure of L£597,000 million and revenues of L£210,000 million .
25 It provided for a Supreme and a Constitutional Court , a High Court of Justice , an Economic and Social Council and a National Assembly elected under a multiparty system .
26 It provided for broader and more regular consultations , expanded economic , scientific and technological co-operation , and active co-operation in the conversion of the defence industry .
27 It provided for court confiscation of convicted drug dealers ' assets , and the granting of authority for telephone tapping and surveillance of and access to computer systems of suspected drug criminals .
28 It provided for abortion without restriction until the foetus was capable of sustaining life outside its mother 's womb .
29 Published in August 1990 [ see p. 37807 ] and adopted by a constituent assembly on Dec. 15 , it provided for a multiparty system and direct elections for the presidency in 1991 .
30 It provided for a separation of powers , the establishment of a constitutional court and the holding of direct presidential elections .
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