Example sentences of "it mean more " in BNC.

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1 For me it meant more than that .
2 It meant more bread for the hungry , higher wages , and fewer hours of work .
3 Oh aye aye er there was always that in the back of their mind that the the more rivets they put in per day , although it meant more money at the end of the week possibly , er it also meant that the the boat was therefore progressing or the ship was progressing that quick , that they were getting nearer the gate as the the saying went .
4 It got me out of clearing tables for a living , but I thought it meant more than that .
5 Will independence bring more opportunities for adults and mature students , a wider range of vocational courses and a higher staying-on rate or will it mean more competition , cuts in expensive courses and no overall structure to educational provision from 11–19 ?
6 But advertisers love it — it means more air time to sell products because the more popular a show is , the more people watch the ads .
7 If the objection to a hatchback is that it means more noise in the cabin , the Safrane is an exception .
8 It means more time in classrooms .
9 Fortunately I have never had this problem either with ferrets or dogs but should it ever hit my animals it means more than just the loss of the ferrets .
10 Thus Verkehrsberuhigung was described as ‘ an unfortunate word ’ , because it means more than making the traffic quiet , it means making surrounding areas better .
11 In a global context , it means more of the same system that increased the number of the world 's poor from 944 million in 1970 to 1,156 million in 1985 ; the number who are illiterate from 842 million to 907 million ; and the number of malnourished from 460 million to 512 million .
12 All in all , it means more beef for the serious database developer .
13 then V will be You can write it as sine squared but I 'm just writing this way cos it it means more .
14 It means more than serious inconvenience , or even widespread inconvenience ( so that people might not be able to park where they usually do , or drive down a particular street or perhaps miss a train as a result of the demonstration ) .
15 The strengths of using written communication is that it 's on paper there 's a record , of course that can be a weakness sometimes , be careful what you put down , it means more you get hold of more than one person you 've said it to more than one person who can be quite difficult to get hold of .
16 Staff at St Tiggywinkles say the holiday season is bad news for wildlife because it means more cars in the countryside .
17 Staff at St Tiggywinkles say the holiday season is bad news for wildlife because it means more cars in the countryside .
18 It means more of them survive .
19 Organising a wedding in less than six to nine months can be done , but it means more pressure on your nerves and possibly your pocket .
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