Example sentences of "it give [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Even that implies payments of £500 million on 104 open syndicates and many will resist it given suspected irregularities .
2 Even that implies payments of £500 million on 104 open syndicates and many will resist it given suspected irregularities .
3 And the first one is , Is the policy required and if so does it give sufficient guidance .
4 On the back of a postcard it says , you know , write for further information from your , does it give any indication as to what fair trading means ?
5 When the chocolate begins to set , run a fork through it to give wavy lines .
6 Is it to avoid confusion with other films of the same name or is it to give hapless viewers an idea of who they were dating , or supposed to be dating , at the time ?
7 It will be seen that where Lautro is advised to serve or is considering the service of an intervention notice on a member , the rules do not place any obligation on it to give that member any advance warning of the intended action , nor to give him any opportunity to make representations before the intervention notice is served .
8 Will he undertake to include the insurance industry in his fight against car crime and encourage it to give financial incentives by way of lower premiums to owners who improve the security of their vehicles ?
9 After turning it through 180 degrees , re-install it to give increased adjustment capability in the required direction .
10 ’ We did it to give some of the great youngsters a chance ’
11 Seidman in turn sued Cenco , claiming the company fraudulently induced it to give clean audits .
12 This Condition can only have effect if it is called into operation by the party wishing to rely on it giving written notice to the other to that effect .
13 What constitutes the novelty of the Hellenistic age is that it gave international circulation to ideas , while strongly reducing their revolutionary impact .
14 It gave additional powers to local authorities with severe inner area problems and the provisions only applied to three types of designated districts .
15 It gave Sandy inspiration , the confidence to win the Masters , knowing he was a world-class player .
16 It gave undue prominence to three particular points in the plane .
17 It also printed the term as ‘ war ’ rather than war , but it gave close observers a full and accurate description of the weapons on both sides .
18 And yet a powerful fire must have started so quickly it gave poor Cosmas no time even to get out of bed . ’
19 Respondents welcomed the document , clearly indicating that it gave Religious Education parity of status with other areas of the curriculum .
20 Alice also said it would be a good thing if all the rubbish remaining in No. 45 were to be disposed of , for it gave such a bad impression .
21 Senator Warren Barry called Mr Clinton 's plan on gays in the military a ‘ fags in the foxhole ’ proposal , and the chairman of the Fairfax County Republicans , Patrick Mullins , said it gave new meaning to the military warning ‘ watch your rear flank , ’ according to the Post .
22 Some users thought it gave greater " precision " or " tied down their ideas . "
23 It also held East Indian bonds , and the fact that it gave substantial mortgages on land has led Dickson to suggest that to an extent it was diverting funds derived from industry and trade towards the landed interest .
24 We loved it and he knew it gave great pleasure to the audience .
25 In passing it gave much diverting information .
26 At its worst it may have been a parasitic racket representing only itself to the detriment of all , but on the larger canvas of society it gave political power to a narrow group of substantial landowners in loose alliance with merchant princes and the small towns which returned members to Parliament .
27 Using accurate measures and keeping a note of the water used , it gave consistent results , and we found no problems in use .
28 The IRA claims it gave 38 minutes warning of the Warrington bombs and details of their exact location .
29 That the new system generated little moral authority was less important than the fact that it gave many Sri Lankans access to the power of the state .
30 Raving resembled a huge , religious ritual , and like other such rituals it gave many people an insight into a transcendental state .
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