Example sentences of "it make good " in BNC.

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1 It made good copy and helped with the film 's publicity ; they also gave an insight into what others thought of Nicholson and the way he saw himself , then .
2 It made good use of two colours and presented a clear financial summary showing how each pound of income was used .
3 It made good sense . ’ ,
4 It made good sense , of course , for the writers to celebrate the deeds of prowess of their aristocratic patrons .
5 The answer is Yes , but it would have taken much longer and with the Government 's 1994 Review so imminent it made good sense to push on with the change process .
6 She looked good , she was quite good fun to be with , it made good business sense …
7 In these days of restrictions on capital investment it makes good sense to adapt to current and probable future needs when incurring capital expenditure .
8 This might be slightly bending the letter of the law in that the prospectus should be a single document but it makes good economic sense .
9 European manufacturers invariably make plain tiles alongside their interlocking tiles , and it makes good sense for a manufacturer to be able to offer both types of product .
10 Considering what is already known about muscle , it makes good sense .
11 At that time it makes good sense to separate males from females .
12 So , on that basis , it makes good sense to start on the bigger warrens .
13 Whether it makes good history or not is another matter .
14 It 's not that I 'm against autobiographical writing I just generally do n't think it makes good , or true , fiction .
15 Because none of us know when a permanently disabling accident may strike , it makes good sense to protect against the possible effects .
16 Because there were discontinuities as well as continuities , it makes good sense to say that modern chemistry emerged through a dialectical process in which the enthusiasms of the Paracelsian chemists were tempered by their critics .
17 Skills that he wishes to rehearse with them may be part of the programme of another department also , and it makes good sense to have some consultation and perhaps co-ordination .
18 And something I have not seen anywhere else , though it makes good sense , is that in these mainly narrow streets , the shops have their signs strung out at right-angles across the way so that you can stand at one end and read their names from there , without having to go down to look at them one by one .
19 It makes good sense for housing associations to buy several houses in adjoining streets for ease of monitoring and staff support .
20 It makes good sense to switch over to a lighter routine , just as you adapt to the warm weather by wearing lighter fabrics .
21 If a group anticipates no response at all , a blunt refusal , or even an attack upon its very integrity , then it makes good sense to keep its political head down below the level of activity .
22 Have it written as a P E P and it makes good sense .
23 It makes good business sense in another way too — because it is now cheaper to make plants that fit the pesticide than to adapt the pesticide to fit the plants .
24 It makes good chips or if it 's dry fried .
25 For farmer Brian Lloyd , it makes good commercial sense to have his flock scanned .
26 First , it makes good sense because everyone understands the language of money as a common denominator which goes across all boundaries .
27 Remove any excess adhesive and use it to make good the mitres and joints .
28 The process of the recognition of the self 's capacity to sin but also to engage with the strength of the leaping God which enables it to make good its losses , is ritually enacted in the sacrament of penance .
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