Example sentences of "it get all " in BNC.

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1 See it got all marked down there .
2 a right high one but it had er , had it got all things on top ?
3 Has it got all those little little crystally ornaments ?
4 ‘ Well , it gets all its moisture from seeds and dew .
5 Some of the costs are met by head office — it gets all of the revenue because we sell in this country — but in the case of France where we have a separate legal entity , what we 're after is contribution statements by unit of accommodation for the UK revenues , and one or two other costs with those French locally incurred expenses .
6 By being reared alone , it gets all the food its foster parents can bring and it has a useful adaptation that ensures that the food keeps on coming — a huge , startlingly red gape .
7 It gets all its nutrition , all its oxygen etcetera etcetera through the placenta from its mother 's circulation and the mother has no problem whatsoever in her body functions , right , otherwise she would be a mongrel , so the food is going straight into the baby , it 's like being drip fed , there 's no problem .
8 G agrees the water looks good and says it 's a Class Two river , ’ except when it rains , when it gets all the run-off and also lots of foul water from the foul sewer overflow .
9 Well , I tried to turn it into a joke — not a very good one , I admit — but I said something about that party game called consequences , you know where everyone writes down innocent things that get strung together because nobody knows what the others have written and it gets all mixed up so you get a silly story with a stupid ending .
10 Erm the second point I 'd like to make is er we danced round this phrase presumption this morning , I 've tried to avoid using it because its its it gets all sorts of er connotations going .
11 I mean that , that have to hold top and bottom , you put something in the soil and it gets all its nourishment in the soil and that
12 It gets all , urgh !
13 I got the tonight I 've er I 've got erm the baby seat done today sort of like a baby seat in the back so I wait until I get really lumbered like , you know , cos er , if you have the then you can take it back after it 's born and er , get a refund on it get all the money back .
14 Oh yes yeah outside yes and old programmes they sell at away matches , badges , season tickets as you might understand , but they , they are going to have a good day in April on the centenary day because they have it getting all the old players Tony says he , he 's been invited to attend as well and Gilbert I believe will be going and erm
15 I mean I I had the guitar stuff done within an hour but it getting all vocals over-dubbed and doubling everything up and then , it took forever to mix it together .
16 Can it get all the round and back to the it 'll work .
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