Example sentences of "it at all " in BNC.

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1 I had to put the project aside for a while , he wrote , as the rent had to be paid , not to speak of alimony , school fees and the rest , and , coming back to it after a considerable period , much longer , unfortunately , than I had anticipated , and I will not even try to apologize since you gave me a completely free hand — anyway , he wrote , trying to ignore the damp spots left on the page of his pad by his sweaty hands , anyway , coming back to it after all that time I realized that it would be quite impossible in practice to separate the valuable and the worthless , the public and the private , and that , in a sense , one would have to think in terms of either publishing the whole thing exactly as it stood , or not doing it at all .
2 Not satisfaction at quality of whatever I had done , but simply at having done it at all .
3 ‘ 1912 and nothing wrong with it at all . ’
4 And as Mary Douglas ( 1973 : 15 ) had pointed out , ‘ if we can not bring the argument back from tribal ethnography to ourselves , then there is little point in starting it at all ’ .
5 Anything less and we might as well not do it at all .
6 I am all too ready to admit that I may have misunderstood what I have read in modern French theory ; the problem is in getting any minimal intellectual purchase on it at all .
7 ‘ There will be many people who wo n't like it , wo n't like it at all , and will walk out .
8 I am interested in an aspect of it which exists , it at all , in terms of that contradiction — of a parodic critique of the essence of sensibility as conventionally understood .
9 Tom grinned an enormous grin across the table and said , ‘ You 're cheating , because a ) what are your natural circumstances if it 's not the very existence of coal , b ) I do n't believe Engels said it at all and , c ) even if he did , that does n't make it true because he was working with an outmoded scientific model .
10 I do n't understand it at all . ’
11 Was I sure I had seen it at all ?
12 But it is a part which gives me so much pain that sometimes I ca n't bear it — ca n't bear it at all . ’
13 We may do it badly , but the beauty is that we do it at all .
14 ‘ Either you support the programme or you amend it , which means you do not support it at all , ’ he said .
15 His wife gave him a long level look with no liking in it at all , and Penelope Huntley watched , fascinated .
16 I do n't like the sound of it at all .
17 It was a clear , carrying command with no anxiety in it at all , and McLeish identified himself promptly .
18 I knew my wife did n't want to see it at all .
19 But the united nation they had in mind , when they thought hard about it at all , was probably not what they have been landed with .
20 Perhaps the most audacious thing about this exhibition is that the British Museum should have countenanced it at all .
21 She could n't remember it at all .
22 For Chambers , his witness of doubtful character , he found this Nixonian endorsement : ‘ Is it not better to tell the whole truth in the end than to refuse , as Hiss did , to tell it at all ? ’
23 Gloxinias do n't seem to like it at all , but that 's been my only failure .
24 Or would you eat the chocolate very quickly without thinking or even looking much at it at all ?
25 You would n't have expected it at all .
26 This particular person had found the shock so great that she had not been able to acknowledge it at all except by taking this evading action .
27 I would not stage it at all !
28 My response to these people is , if you can , t do the thing properly , then , please , do not do it at all .
29 To get away with it at all , the wines must be bone dry , so that there 's no food ( ie sugar ) for any possible remaining bugs .
30 On her return to Austria , she was careful to keep her new hobby a secret from her parents , who ‘ would not have considered it at all a proper pastime for a young girl ’ .
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