Example sentences of "it do at " in BNC.

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1 That old smarty pants Dr Samuel Johnson was fond of saying that a woman preaching was like a dog standing on hind legs — it was not done well but it was surprising to find it done at all .
2 Why is it done at all ?
3 As a matter of fact , most of the London publishers send their printing to Edinburgh to get it done at half cost by sweated labour .
4 Could n't she have had it done at home ? ’
5 And they got it done at the Registry , very quiet .
6 Would n't have it done at this stage anyway .
7 Do you do most of your work by travelling overseas , or is it done at Sussex ?
8 The plain fact is , if a PC does what you want it to do at a speed you 're happy with , then its performance is perfectly acceptable .
9 What on earth is it doing at the cleaners …
10 The Campaign now has more paid-up members than it did at the height of the 1970s real ale revival .
11 And while there were crudely economic motives in , for example , sending Hitchcock to reconstruct English and Oriental settings in Italy and Germany for his first film , The Pleasure Garden ( 1925 ) , it did at least show that he was as aware as the Film Society 's membership of the backwardness of British films .
12 They found that £15 or £20 a week went as far in an erstwhile fishing village on Spain 's Costa Brava as it did at an English seaside hotel or holiday camp , with cheap wine and reliable sunshine thrown in .
13 To judge by Vincent 's subsequent letter of 15 October , it did at least bring them back into contact .
14 While the procedure was to some extent artificial and led to conclusions that did not always stand up to later study , it did at least mean that the different forms of early Christian teaching could now be admitted for discussion , and the possibility of real conflict between opposing views recognised as a natural and proper element in the development .
15 It would hardly have been possible for it to support beauty and extravagance and pleasure at the expense of mere survival , but it did at least hint that such a view could be held , and its mere admission of this possibility was to Clara profoundly satisfying .
16 But it did at the time appear rather a , the last thing
17 Certainly no worse than it did at present .
18 The UAE was reported to have reacted in a low-key manner to the Iranian takeover , coming as it did at a time when the Gulf states were hoping for improved relations with Iran .
19 President Scalfaro on July 30 described Scotti 's action as a sign that " factional interests " had been allowed to take priority , coming as it did at a time of national crisis .
20 In fact , that is just what it did at the last election .
21 Though this means Romeo 's assumption that the Friar knows nought of love seem misplaced , it does at least make his rash engagement with the lovers more comprehensible .
22 Although it is a means of asserting authority , coming as it does at the start of the shift , parade is very relaxed and , from the point of view of the ordinary constables , serves as a way of casually reorientating themselves to the demands of work .
23 Most surveys show that a basket of food still costs a bit less at a supermarket than it does at an independent grocer 's ; but The Economist did not find that this week .
24 As Mr Cameron puts it , ‘ At the very time when most people want and need mobility — during the morning and evening peak periods — the system actually carries fewer of them than it does at various off-peak times . ’
25 First , the dollar is still ‘ fundamentally undervalued ’ , and by quite a margin — that is , a dollar buys much less abroad than it does at home .
26 Living as it does at high level , it produces fewer lambs than other breeds .
27 It does at times reveal a certain despair over her present situation — a fact that is rather concerning .
28 Hydro-electric power , though renewable , has a finite limit to its development potential unlike some of the other renewables and will never contribute a great deal more to world energy supply than it does at present .
29 Whatever one may think of Sex , Lies and Videotape — — and it does n't have to be much — it does at least address the question of the gaze and of masculine sexuality .
30 The Methodist chapel is also in a vulnerable spot , standing as it does at the crossroads .
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