Example sentences of "it in any " in BNC.

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1 You can interpret it in any way you like — it could mean the best groomed , it could refer to canine coats , attractive collars and leads .
2 A wife who was entitled to a lump sum on the ‘ clean break ’ principle was not obliged to deal with it in any particular fashion .
3 Descent was traced in the female line because when pairing was temporary and informal , it was not possible to reckon it in any other way , as one could only be sure of the identity of the mother of the child , not that of the father .
4 Aside from the fact that he does n't actually discuss it in any detail , there is little more than a disappointed huffing and puffing at the exhaustion of the avant-garde 's shock value ( backed up by a particularly crass quotation from Peter Bürger about Duchamp 's readymades ) and some utterly routine panting over the outlandish prices being currently paid for Van Goghs — plus a quotation from a sub-Warholian Manhattan ‘ artist ’ answering an art magazine questionnaire with a few smart remarks about business and producing art for the market .
5 She did n't earn it in any conventional sense : her last employer left one third of his substantial fortune to her outright , and another third for life .
6 We do not tie the horse , blindfold it , or forcefully restrain it in any way .
7 He came back the next day and gave me another £1.2 million and told me I could spend it in any way I wanted .
8 I may have sent it quicker over the goal line with this touch , but I think it would have reached it in any case . ’
9 It was here , at the BCHC that I first began to hear the dictionary of cancer , to see the effect of the disease and to learn about it in any useful and positive way .
10 Well , you had to flash it in the doorway , and they 'd see it in any case .
11 Acknowledgement of the fact of this fundamental need for a ‘ god ’ , and the need to provide for it in any social order , can be the vital factor in finding a way to ease the sufferings of the world .
12 A ruler is bound by the good old law ; if he breaks it in any serious way , his subjects can rebel , and by formal process compel him to obey the law .
13 It can be argued that it is a citizen 's right to be free to collect information about whatever and whoever he likes and to do it in any way which is not intrusive or injurious .
14 What this argument suggests in Gandhi 's case is that he does not abandon his commitment to the principle of non-violence or qualify it in any way when he approves the destruction of life .
15 And now Kenco is leading the market by introducing a new dimension to its coffee — it is now a single grind , which means you can use it in any type of coffee-making system without any loss of taste or quality .
16 It goes without saying that in order to use a device for improvising ( such as scales , arpeggios , licks etc. ) one has to develop the particular device to such a level of fluency that physically playing it in any key or position has become almost instinctive , or second nature .
17 A Firstly , I am assuming you have not damaged it in any way ?
18 I accepted all of this without thinking it in any way unusual , even though my father used to boast about Billy 's achievements as if they were a matter for civic pride .
19 The propagation is done by cutting pieces of the rootstock ( rhizome ) and planting it in any muddy soil .
20 Warning that workers at the mine could suffer from silicosis and that dust from the mine could have a devastating effect on the local soil chemistry , Mr Wilson said it was cheaper to manufacture andalusite artificially , and wondered why Navan Resources wished to go the expense of mining it : ‘ To make it in any way economically feasible to mine this , it would have to represent over 30 per cent of the total of the rock formation of the mountain and this means that almost one third of your mountain would disappear ’ .
21 TENDERISE tough meat by marinating it in any kind of citrus juice or by spooning juice over the meat after piercing it with a fork .
22 Hadley acknowledges there is a possibility that opportunities may arise to represent Japan at international level but stresses that he would not consider selection if it in any way jeopardized his standing with the Canadian Rugby Union .
23 Attendance , indeed , would not have cost Britain anything or compromised it in any way , since unlike the meeting called to consider the ECSC , participants at Messina were not required to accept the principle of supranationalism in advance .
24 This was the main value they attributed to school work experience rather than seeing it in any direct sense as preparation for engineering work .
25 The second type of individual headhunter was the practical , down-to-earth type with more management experience at different levels than the blue-bloods , who identified the existence of a demand for skills in senior recruiting but who was not pretentious or elitist about it in any way .
26 Looking at the effects of inheritance in a broader perspective , it is apparent that the laws and customs associated with it in any society have the effect of shaping kin relationships in ways other than the transmission of economic resources .
27 It did n't matter in the end , as it sold to dealer David Petrovsky ( underbid by Caldwell ) for $44,000 , who has of yet not discovered it in any photographic reference .
28 However , Kilfinnan is dismissed with a mere mention in that compendium , which showed that the compiler had not made its acquaintance nor found much about it in any other book .
29 Weber 's approach to inequality was to present a range of descriptive categories that could be used to describe it in any given society .
30 Is it in any way relevant that the person required to make discovery , or a document , is outside the jurisdiction ?
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