Example sentences of "it in some " in BNC.

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1 Was it in some way her own fault ?
2 He wanted to grasp the newness , or to measure it in some way , hardly daring to hope that it was good .
3 If we do something pleasant to a horse , like worming it , or giving injection , or something else , we are likely to care and stroke it afterwards , or to reward it in some other way , such as with food .
4 The state 's involvement offers crucial protection , since failure to accept a coin or tampering with it in some way , like making a forgery , then is regarded as a crime against the state , and serious penalties including execution have frequently been normal for such activities .
5 It was n't only that I could n't lift myself off the ground but that I was stuck to it in some way .
6 I shall move it in some other direction .
7 Or rather , as she then , standing tense in the emptiness felt it , she had become something exceedingly small , smaller than the jar of marmalade and more mobile , as small as a mouse , or as an electric spark , which was impelled to run very fast , invisibly fast , round and round the house , altering it in some way which was now imperative .
8 There are chemical systems which mimic it in some ways .
9 Perhaps he would say it in some lonely place in the hills with someone on the lookout for the searching redcoats .
10 It was argued above that , while it in some way reflects the truth about the wordings which were used in classical law , it was not employed as the touchstone by which new wordings were tried .
11 Landseer praised his Seventy-eight Studies from Nature 1808–1810 and talked about it in some detail in the New London Review of 1810 .
12 They should bring along a crane and pick the whole thing up with me in it and call it Frozen Communications and put it in some art gallery .
13 Yet we can not claim that our sensory reality is more real than theirs : that we see it the ‘ right ’ way and that they see it in some less than real manner .
14 He was born around the Darlington area and I heard that his family once had money , but lost it in some way .
15 For long before 1946 , it had been customary for Parliament to preserve an oversight of such central government delegated legislation by requiring that such legislation be laid before it in some form or another .
16 You can use paper of similar thickness but unless you stick it in some way to the faces it is difficult to keep it in position when assembling the cores into the bobbin and bolting it down to the board .
17 And what 's even more sure is that he will do it in some style .
18 Beauty to him came from the soul , as we say , and he saw it as his task to exteriorise it in some way that harmonized with the subject matter .
19 Or was it in some way connected with her pallor and unsteadiness remarked upon by Dr Pringle ?
20 Because the reliability of a test is so important , it is usual to quantify it in some way .
21 Eighties-style extravaganzas or not , one hopes the Nineties will see it in some form .
22 Disfavouring abortion in all cases is inconsistent with favouring it in some , since there are circumstances in which these attitudes will prompt attempts to permit and to prevent the very same act .
23 Intergraph Corp has decided it will standardise on Menlo Park , California-based Versant Object Technology Corp 's eponymous object-oriented database , reselling the product and using it in some future products .
24 It was from these that the ‘ grammatical rules of school textbooks ’ were derived , at least until the work of descriptive linguistics in this century , and perhaps still despite it in some cases .
25 To really get to know a country , you need to get to know it in some detail , and to allow you the chance to know the fascinating world of Chianti , Citalia this summer offers its Flavour of Chianti programme .
26 Painful inflammation of the prostate is one of the main reasons that men under 50 consult their doctors , and experts believe that as many as three-quarters of some groups of men aged 30 to 50 suffer from it in some form .
27 As well as good documentation and ‘ driving ’ information for the user , as described on page 35 , it is also very important to document the computer program as a further aid to those who wish to understand how the program works or modify it in some way .
28 Now , at the sight of the river , Bigwig 's assurance was leaking again and unless he , Hazel , could restore it in some way , they were likely to be in for trouble .
29 He was drawn to it in some weirdly obsessive , almost dangerous way .
30 Such approaches , of course , were ordinarily difficult to resist , for a house never knew when royal gratitude might be of value to it in some application of its own or in some lawsuit ; a number of larger houses , like Bury St Edmunds in 1303 , even found themselves accommodating more than one royal corrodian ; furthermore , the recipients of these requests ranged far outside the hundred or so houses of which the king was patron .
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