Example sentences of "it [vb past] little " in BNC.

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1 Throughout the first two weeks of the campaign almost twothirds of our panel cited unemployment as the ‘ main issue ’ that should be discussed but it got little coverage on television news .
2 The third National Government followed upon the resignation of the Liberal ministers and of the free trader , Snowden , in September 1932 , after which it became little more than a Conservative government , with the adhesion of a few ex-Labour and Liberal politicians , all owing their seats to an electoral pact with the Conservatives .
3 Within the Council there were no surprises or novelties about the Committee of Ministers : with each state having one vote and a veto , it became little more than an intergovernmental conference of foreign ministers meeting twice yearly .
4 Although her initiative represented a reversal of her previous stance , it produced little progress [ see p. 37716 ] .
5 The more mischievous may suggest that , as an exercise in the once-discredited art of nationalisation , it was a huge success ; but as an attempt to apply market forces to public services it made little difference .
6 It was all Isa could do to persuade Wilson to let some light in and dry her tears and tell her what ailed her ; and when she did so , it made little sense .
7 It made little difference .
8 It made little difference if a dreadful rash despoiled both little faces .
9 Recently books have been written querying the efficiency and use of Bomber Command aircraft in the night bombing of Germany , and asking whether it did help in the final defeat or whether in fact it made little difference .
10 After all , it made little difference : he would persuade Jean-Paul , Jean-Paul would persuade Louise ; the route was more circuitous , that was all .
11 We tried taking out the pith from behind the bud , and we tried leaving it in — it made little difference .
12 It never came close to winning an election anywhere and , despite the fears of Harry Pollitt , the Communist leader , it made little impact in London dockland around Wapping .
13 Even though James V had brought artillery with him to pound the walls , it made little impression , and in the end the besiegers ran out of gunpowder .
14 It made little difference that these needles had been for injections and not for some sinister Chinese purpose .
15 Although Preston still referred to it privately as the God slot , as he had indicated to Kate it made little or no reference to the Almighty .
16 In a very real sense , therefore , the employers , whether farmers or landlords — in practice it made little difference — were not part of the rural village community as far as the agricultural worker was concerned .
17 But for the small time it took to put this inner up it made little difference .
18 It made little difference to the coal industry which continued to serve both .
19 It may have rained for hours , but it made little difference to the River Lambourn .
20 It made little difference as York 's full back Richard Stevenson bamboozled Novos with a hat-trick of exciting tries from set piece moves , the fourth being touched down by scrum half Martyn Harrison in the 49th minute .
21 This was a return to the test of outrage , with all its faults , but it met little outrage in Standing Committee and fell only because of the dissolution of Parliament for the 1987 General Election .
22 It was described as Italianate , but it bore little relationship to the contemporary light Italianate villas of the United States and of English country houses .
23 However , it cost little more than the price of the land — a real bargain , ’ she parodied in a bitter little voice .
24 Such a gene could pay for itself if it motivated little girls to in fact compete with their brothers for what their brothers might otherwise er get uncontested .
25 He also involved a religious foundation — the Charterhouse — in his scheme ( although it appears that in practice it played little part ) and wanted his Master to be a Scholar of Eton or of Winchester ( if such could be found ) and to be appointed on the recommendation of the Provosts of Eton College and of King 's College , Cambridge .
26 Ordinarily it provoked little or no attention from passers-by .
27 In the eyes of a deckhand in his twenties who joined the " Sunderland Union " in the days of John Beresford and who was already a member of the Australian Seamen 's Union , it seemed little more than a " miscellaneous collection of beards and whiskers " including " old greybeards of sixty , seventy and eighty years of age , with little idea of how to conduct business " , who " reflected the pessimistic outlook of their leaders , supposing that everything was wrong and that nothing could be put right " .
28 During its short period of administration , of less than ten months , it accomplished little of real importance — other than the passing of the Wheatley Housing Act which provided generous housing subsidies to both private and public builders and stimulated the council house building boom of the 1920s .
29 In some ways this was a symbolic move , since it raised little revenue : existing exempt groups ( children , pensioners , the chronically ill and those on Income Support ) retained their right to free prescriptions .
30 And now , despite the fact that he 'd held her in his arms , it needed little imagination to guess that he did n't quite trust her .
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