Example sentences of "it [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 If AI members have any surplus sheet music , would they consider letting George Jackson have it for his stall ?
2 Jonathan Horne secured it for his client after a long battle at £31,900 ( estimate £5,000-£8,000 ) .
3 The primitive ceremony which came soonest to Eliot 's mind , whether in his ‘ Beating of a Drum ’ or in 1926 when he spoke of savages who ‘ believe that the ritual is performed in order to induce a fall of rain' , was rain-making , probably because he had read about it for his 1913 seminar paper .
4 He tried the same with Flora but she only told him to save it for his interview with Dr Mackintosh that morning .
5 He done it for his soldiers , to show them what they had to do .
6 Yet the new role of emperor was held in control by Charles who used it for his own ends , which were often of the highest order and extended far beyond mere materialism .
7 Gedge fixed it for his parents to watch the show from the wings .
8 It is a most important matter that a councillor should not take advantage of his position and use it for his own personal gain .
9 Satan , who lacks creative originality , can only take that which God has created and misuse it for his own purposes .
10 On the basis of the principle of participation , for example , it is possible for man to justify controlling nature and using it for his own ends .
11 In the context of this article , the need for a multi-national to engage in this sort of activity is likely to be limited to those occasions when the customer demands it for his own reasons , or where trading relationships have been established that would be threatened if one customer knew of the other 's existence .
12 The other member , who might have been expected to buy it for his own son , a young man recently qualified in law , did not at first do so ; he said business was unreliable , there were not enough clients , the reputation of the firm had been allowed to run down .
13 Adam could have it for his long vacation .
14 Furthermore when he does give way and claim it for his own , he loses it almost immediately to Gollum , who bites off Ring and finger with it .
15 For a cover note to be valid the defendant must accept the cover note and rely upon it for his insurance cover .
16 ‘ He had been shown the yellow card and the referee had had a word with him and although he did n't like being substituted , I did it for his own good .
17 Sigmar united the human tribes and forged a mighty army to rid the land of Orcs and claim it for his own .
18 Already I 've heard aghast whispers about the details of the Milwaukee cannibal : ‘ Do you know , ’ they hiss in your ear , ‘ he cut out one chap 's bicep , fried it on a griddle and ate it for his breakfast ? ’
19 Three decades late he spoke it for his parents and his siblings , thinking that the kindly keeper who bent over him was perhaps , after all , SS Sergeant Gustav Wagner , or SS Sergeant Karl Frenzel or …
20 Nobody used the shed , and Conradin took it for his own .
21 And it eventually gestated out , and he wrote it for his Sunday school , and his church organist , Lewis Redner was asked to provide the music , and this is the music which Redner provided
22 Phil is making notes on it for his Man programme .
23 And if the government had provided it for his use , why was it now prosecuting him for using it ?
24 Roy Clements wanted it for his collection which is thought to be the largest in Britain .
25 Did it for his wife actually because she was fed up of knitting stockings .
26 In the scenes where the father talked to the character now played by George Birkitt , he kept hearing the father 's line in his ear , mistaking it for his cue , and coming in with George 's line .
27 And it is convenient to consider him as an entrepreneur even with respect to the resource he owns ( in the sense that , in using it for his own production process , rather than selling it at its market price to other producers , he is ‘ buying ’ it at an implicit cost ) .
28 Searle was a rogue and used it for his own purposes .
29 But he was doing it for his little girl , his Karen , and for her mother , his wife Ruthie .
30 Pippin , the first of the line , had destined it for his first-born , the young Charlemagne in the 750s ; Charlemagne had assigned it in 790 to his son Charles , later labelled primogenitus and designated heir to the regnum Francorum ( though he predeceased his father in 811 ) .
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