Example sentences of "it [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 The huge proportions of the main rooms made it unsuitable for conversion into houses , as did the flat-roofed additions — albeit designed with some care .
2 It does , however , have some properties which are less well understood , and which , in the view of some data analysts , can make it unsuitable for analysing some contingency tables .
3 Latest word from the grapevine is that IBM Corp 's 3390-9 disk drive may be put back to June 1 or June 8 ( CI No 2,165 ) , and there is a certain lack of confidence that the thing will be an easy sell given that it is significantly slower than the lower capacity drives , making it unsuitable for most leading edge mainframe applications ( CI No 2,165 ) : the conspiracy theorists conjecture that it is not a product that the sales force and the market actually want , one that could have been developed simply to respond to something a competitor was planning but in the end never launched , but that it has cost sufficient to develop that to write off the effort now would leave a nasty hole in AdStar Inc 's balance sheet — much better to put the thing out in the confidence that some users will bite , and write the work off over perhaps a five-year product life .
4 Now , however , the unfortunate residents of Mer have learned that their village is to be the site of a huge new quarry which would clearly make it unsuitable for exploitation as a centre of tourism .
5 Woodworm and beetle infestation makes much of it unsuitable for structural work but treated and cleaned up with an adze to give it the right period look , much of it could be put to good decorative effect .
6 Rue is an example of a common , well-known garden herb , with a long history of use , yet with properties that make it unsuitable for general use by the layman .
7 The natural history of the disease also makes it unsuitable for screening by imaging techniques : a normal scan now is no guarantee of a normal heart in the future .
8 The quality of the printing is very high although the restricted paper width makes it unsuitable for wordprocessing and other serious uses .
9 The sides are made of contrastingly coloured elasticated nylon with no foam fitted , the lack of kidney protection making it unsuitable for use in canoe polo .
10 Etruria had been the world 's most up-to-date factory in the eighteenth century and mining subsidence and the encroachment of other industry had made it unsuitable for modern development .
11 The buyer found it unsuitable for making into dresses .
12 Organisers said the display was amusing but warned that some people might consider it unsuitable for young children .
13 The question might be phrased as : do you believe it dishonest for a person not to pay a fare which he believes he does not owe ?
14 We 'll call it that for now , no-one 's actually voting at the moment but it , it 's covers the same thing you see .
15 Yeah I was gon na say , what you call it that for ?
16 Also , in 1974 , an adoption Act made it possible for couples of mixed denominational or religious origin to adopt .
17 Today 's methods of birth control make it possible for a couple to choose whether or not to have a child .
18 She always mentions them in her winner 's speech but maybe the players taking part should take a moment to think what makes it possible for them to perform , and maybe say ‘ thank you ’ for all the years of loyalty from these people , instead of getting away from them as fast as they can .
19 The most important factor in ‘ free stretching ’ is that you know when it hurts and how far you can go , making it possible for you to immediately release the stretch should you need to .
20 In retrospect the most important event of 1986 may have been the conception of the new Networker train , filling a vital gap price and quality wise , at long last making it possible for NSE to plan systematic replacement of old EMUs .
21 Thus was it possible for one new Sprinter vehicle to replace at least two old DMU coaches .
22 Many of the reopenings were under the ‘ Speller ’ rule : Tony Speller 's 1981 Bill made it possible for services to reopen experimentally without the need to go through the formal closure procedures in the event of failure .
23 Mr Liljeros has maintained that too much time has passed to make it possible for Mrs Palme to point out her husband 's murderer .
24 I only mean to preface this discussion of cultural difference with an awkward question : in the world we have , is it possible for us — any of us — not to have at least some inferior others ?
25 Both the introduction of new rules on how societies could raise funds for mortgage loans and the 1987 stock market crash — which prompted small investors to get out of equities and put their money into building society saving accounts — made it possible for the societies to get their act together and fight back .
26 The Anglo-American special relationship , on the other hand , is as alive as ever , and has made it possible for us to buy advanced US weapon systems like Polaris and Trident on very favourable terms .
27 The past year 's thaw has made it possible for at least 35 non-governmental organisations to open up offices .
28 Without Mr Gorbachev as party boss , a rapid realignment of forces would take place , making it possible for a coalition-for-democracy to line up against the coalition-for-clampdown .
29 By a process of ‘ abstraction ’ , moreover , it was possible for these general notions to be ‘ impressed ’ on our minds or intellects , thus making it possible for us to think in terms of them .
30 How is it possible for someone to take my or anybody 's sin upon himself ?
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