Example sentences of "it [verb] so " in BNC.

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1 The Sola grill is different , it grills so evenly , there 's been nothing to beat it in 25 years .
2 Why did you want it to go so fast ? ’
3 I ca n't remember what the ovver two looked like , it 'appened so quick . ’
4 It got so bad we had to do the full old lady bit and put up net curtains .
5 However , it got so bad one day — I think he had been discussing this with his father because he used to go home sometimes at the weekends and come back to the flat on Monday — and he came in one day and said , ‘ OK , it 's going to be cabaret ’ .
6 ‘ Not really , because it got so much bigger than we wanted it to straight away .
7 Now both of them were choking with their laughter as Mick ended , ‘ It got so bad that they used to wait for it every Sunday night and try to smother me with a pillow .
8 It got so bad FBI agents had to stay at my house to protect me from religious extremists whipped up by their campaign . ’
9 ‘ I could n't have my hair done , and it got so thin and straggly at the back . ’
10 It got so bad I was n't able to concentrate on my studies .
11 A B and C licences and er it got so complicated that er I er eventually drafted in by virtue of er being able to sell firewood , er drafted into the C I S , the Co-op insurance .
12 In winter it got so cold that you would have to wear your clothes in bed .
13 Those letters from you , it got so I almost believed they were really written to me .
14 It got so bad we jumped him .
15 It , it was a two bedroom old cottage it was , very , very nice with a big garden and all I had was erm one room downstairs and like er a kitchen , well er where the sink and that was it was more like a big room where the kitchen was and the two bedrooms upstairs , but only a door on one bedroom , you went up the stairs into a big open room you know where the bannisters all round you know what I mean , no door on it and just , another door , a bedroom door , that 's all but I loved it you know it was a nice erm , not bad , but of course it was condemned it got so old and then they pulled it down and they built another house on it right next to where erm that shooting took pla you know they was having that shooting night just down that lane where I used to be
16 But last time do you remember this time last year it got so that his foot was really puffy ?
17 Really good actually seeing as it got so much smaller .
18 I kept putting more water in and it got so full .
19 It kept the Navigation Acts up to date , but under Walpole 's premiership in the 1720s and 1730s it passed so little legislation of any general application even within Britain that it was quite natural for it to do nothing about the colonies .
20 Third , as the powers of the national park authorities are limited to the normal development control procedures , agriculture is excluded , although it contributes so much to the valued cultural landscapes of the parks .
21 If you find it difficult to keep a rally going within the confines of the court , chase the ball wherever it goes so that you become accustomed to the habit of pursuing the ball .
22 It goes so well with their pale skin and light hair .
23 ‘ And that means it goes so fast you ca n't even hear the separate beats .
24 This biography is not merely content to tell you everything you ever wanted to know about Dickens ( interesting fact : Dickens spoke with a slight ‘ metallic burr ’ in his voice ) ; nor does it stop at telling you everything you never wanted to know about Dickens ( uninteresting fact : there were white Christmases for the first eight years of Dickens ' life ) ; it goes so far , as with that unidentified novel , as to let you know when it can not tell you something .
25 Well I think it was I mean that erm we when you dredge from the Causeway I 'd say near the Harbourmaster 's office and we dredged all the way to Botterman 's Bay just below Pinmill and that Botterman 's Bay was that 's a place where they had and that 's where the big ships used to moor then and they used to get .. be lightened , like all grain goods and that used to be loaded into barges by hand and then when it goes so light they used to the fish with about three thousand grain in 'em and then they used to fill them up in the dock , on the same method .
26 It goes so much deeper than that .
27 Although the unemployment rate at 9.2 p.c. is , for the first time , on a par with the average in Britain , no serious observer expects it to remain so once the economy as a whole picks up .
28 The Post Office is a successful and profitable organisation , and I hope that the Opposition wish it to remain so .
29 It 'ad so much of the happy juice inside him , it took the hare three laps to catch it up .
30 This one is — it involves so many factors , you see . ’
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