Example sentences of "it [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The vegetative part of the dodder plant is an epiphyte ( that is , a plant that grows on other plants ) consisting exclusively of thread-like , often yellowish vines partly coiled around the stem of its host and partly draped over it or hanging free .
2 If we think of He sent a letter about it to Galileo the great Italian scientist as the target sentence , the kinds of changes which Sachs introduced when the sentence was repeated were either semantic — Galileo the great Italian scientist sent him a letter about it or syntactic — A letter about it was sent to Galileo the great Italian scientist / He sent Galileo the great Italian scientist a letter about it .
3 That is what annoys about it or fair enough if they have n't got any money they get these handouts but when they 're working and they still get them that 's when I think it 's wrong !
4 Erm okay , do I need it or changed mind .
5 If all these measures fail , it may be necessary to use a pole with a rag securely tied on to it or clearing rods similar to those used for clearing drains .
6 Some depositors may believe that they have an obligation to archive and make available their data by virtue of having used public funds to collect it or public time and co-operation in providing it .
7 Ms Tyson has supported the Japanese-American semiconductor agreements , the last of which set a proposed share of part of the Japanese chip market of 20% ; she says that not all sectors should be treated to the ‘ market-share ’ approach , but that the administration reserves the right to use it where appropriate .
8 for additions , the record is created and the index must include references to it where appropriate .
9 In the face of such opposition officials were unable to insist that children should receive full treatment , although in 1908 education authorities were advised to provide it where possible .
10 Each chapter would draw on the recent ‘ UK Environment ’ statistical report and add it where possible and appropriate .
11 Homoeopathy also differs from the orthodox approach in that it concentrates on the body 's own inherent ability to heal itself and aims to work along with this ability , to enhance it where necessary , to seek out the basic underlying causes of an illness and to effect where possible a permanent cure .
12 Children who can discuss , form opinions and make deductions , find information and apply it where necessary . ’
13 The Report stressed the need for a nationally recognized form of certification and recommended the establishment of an autonomous body for vocational courses in art and design whose validating functions should resemble those of TEC and BEC , thereby enabling it where necessary to devise suitable courses as well as receiving submissions from colleges .
14 monitor and discuss with organisations the smooth running of the programme , improving it where necessary ;
15 ( 194 ) He was very soon made to understand that he was not wanted in that corner of it where old Lingard and his own weak will placed him …
16 To reach Ireby , descend alongside the wall heading south-west , crossing it where convenient and continuing down the other side until confronted by a large shakehole with a floor of boulders .
17 Here is how one observer describes this peculiar meaning of have : In the have causative the causer assumes the causee 's " readiness to serve " ; the causee is treated as a cooperative performer of the causee 's will , as someone to whom the causer 's will can be communicated ( either directly or by an intermediary ) and who will be neither unable to understand it nor unwilling to perform it .
18 So , only if the trade union representatives were not , whether actually or in effect , appointed by the union or , if appointed by it were neither accountable to it nor liable to be dismissed by it would that difficulty be avoided , at least in principle .
19 And who would be more bitterly indignant if he risked it than young Harry himself , whose pride in his prince and jealousy of his rights had no match even among David 's own blood-kin ?
20 ‘ From the moment I first saw freestyle I knew it was the sport for me — there was so much more to it than ordinary skiing — it was beautiful and the ultimate in skiing athleticism . ’
21 Immigration to Britain , a country of net emigration ( which means that more people emigrate from it than immigrate to it ) did not in itself throw up social problems but it served to highlight social deprivation .
22 Yet most modern models of language , from Saussure 's onwards , give a fuller and more coherent account of it than traditional grammar ever did , and therefore offer the possibility of describing the linguistic features of texts far more exactly than was possible with the rag-bag of grammatical and metaphorical terminology on which criticism has traditionally depended .
23 Arthur thought of her dead , and reacted to a reflection of his own mortal hulk with more sympathy toward it than usual .
24 The difficulties have not been restricted to the U.K. It is a world recession , although the U.K. happens to be deeper in it than other countries , ’ he says .
25 The fact is that we are rather more successful at it than other species .
26 The largest of the islands , Majorca , has much more to recommend it than just beaches .
27 But there is more to it than just recruitment of people with disabilities .
28 Anything which weakened this family unit was impermissible , and nothing more obviously weakened it than uncontrolled physical passion , which introduced ‘ unsuitable ’ ( i.e. economically undesirable ) suitors and brides , split husbands from wives , and wasted common resources .
29 While it is unwise to have a national plan based on a single feature , we could easily test the system scientifically to see if it would work on a small scale , and widen it if successful .
30 If the weather is good , build a fire and sing songs around it if possible with a guitar .
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