Example sentences of "in [Wh pn] the " in BNC.

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1 Interestingly , in those subjects living for fairly long periods in isolation , in whom the pattern of sleep and activity becomes irregular ( see Chapter 2 ) , meals too become erratic in their numbers and composition .
2 Our medieval law of guardianship was concerned mainly with infants who were heirs of land ; and though the ‘ guardian in socage ’ — the nearest relation of the infant to whom the infant 's land can not descend — has not been abolished , the practice of settlement and of appointing trustees in whom the land , or at least powers over it , are vested , renders rare the occasions on which the very limited powers of such or any kind of guardians can be exercised over an infant 's land .
3 This officer may be appointed trustee under any will or settlement , either as a mere ‘ custodian ’ trustee , in whom the ownership of the trust property is vested , leaving the active duties to other trustees ; or as an ordinary trustee , with powers and duties of management .
4 Those not receiving insulin therapy had a greater prevalence ( 45.6 per cent ) than those on insulin ( 30.7 per cent ) ( P<0.001 ) , although this relationship was not found in blacks in whom the prevalence of hypertension was similar regardless of the type of diabetic therapy .
5 It has been observed that sodium restriction tends to be more beneficial in hypertensives who have low plasma renin activity and in whom the aldosterone response to lowering dietary sodium is poor ( Vaughan et al , 1973 ) .
6 They report that in general , the psychiatric outcome was good and that the patients who were not happy about the result were those few in whom the operation had not led to the expected weight loss .
7 A figure not far short of this was also found in the biological parents from whom they had been separated , though not in their adoptive relatives , in whom the incidence was much lower .
8 More recent interpretations of religion as illusory self-projection ( Sigmund Freud ) or as expressions of the structure and self-understanding of human society ( Emile Durkheim ) owe a great deal to Feuerbach , in whom the broad lines are already laid down .
9 For example , a recent German study , which aimed at controlling blood phenylalanine concentrations between 60 and 300 µmol/l , produced IQ results no better than those in British subjects , in whom the aim was more relaxed control ( 180–600 µmol/l ) , though the blood phenylalanine value was on average 100 µmol/l lower in the German subjects .
10 Our data might have been less affected by bias than those in other studies because we considered only women in whom the primary diagnosis was endometriosis .
11 These patients are generally those infected with drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis or patients with severe disease that has been partially treated ( due to poor compliance or intermittent treatment overseas ) in whom the results of tests of bacterial susceptibility are not yet available .
12 We agree with MacGowan and Reeves that the half life may be inaccurate if it is calculated from only two values ; but perhaps that is why they have never seen a patient with normal renal function in whom the half life is as long as 7.6 hours , since in clinical practice two measurements are all one has to go on .
13 Eliot had in his early seventies become an historical figure , or one at least in whom the lineaments of history could be traced .
14 Every animal of the species , in whom the Ba of the deity was revealed , was regarded as sacred and therefore protected and accorded due rites of burial .
15 There is a touch of the actor in every good schoolmaster , but it must be doubted if there was ever a man in whom the two professions were so evenly balanced .
16 It was those with the highest levels of skill in whom the capacity for independent thought and initiative was most developed .
17 This is a direct and primary liability , though after an assignment it is normally accompanied by rights of indemnity against the first assignee , and also , where there have been further assignments , against the assignee in whom the lease is for the time being vested .
18 in whom the power to discontinue any criminal proceedings at any stage before judgment is delivered is vested by section 94(3) ( c ) of the Constitution of Jamaica , considered that the plea of guilty to manslaughter should not have been accepted and decided to discontinue the proceedings in this case in order that the defendant might be charged with the murder on a fresh indictment .
19 These two distributions ( of differences in skill between left and right hands ) consist of those individuals in whom the right shift factor biasing the left hemisphere towards subserving speech , and coincidentally favouring greater skill of the right hand , is present ( RS + ) and those in whom it is absent ( RS ) .
20 Now , individuals with right-sided speech constitute one half of those in whom the right shift factor is absent since in the absence of this factor speech dominance is distributed between left and right hemispheres according to chance expectation .
21 No such abnormalities were found except for one man with end stage renal failure from ureteric obstruction undetected in infancy , in whom the presenting sign was proteinuria rather than high blood pressure .
22 Conversely , there are patients with events who have not received resuscitation in whom the mechanisms responsible will be similar to those identified here .
23 That this is not always the case is apparent from our policy in cervical cancer screening , the bulk of which has occurred among young women , in whom the risk of dying of cervical cancer is substantially less than among older women , who have not been the focus of public screening policies for this disease .
24 Two patients in whom the disease was confirmed ( aged 46 and 54 at onset ; duration of illness six and four months ) were of French ancestry ( tracing back three and five generations ) .
25 It would be interesting to be able to weigh these against the costs of over 34000 blood tests , pretest information , and more sophisticated analysis and counselling in those in whom the result of the test was positive .
26 The trustee in bankruptcy in whom the cause of action was vested , assigned it to the bankrupt , who covenanted to pay over 35 per cent of the net proceeds of any successful result .
27 The one in whom the Spirit had a permanent dwelling amazed men by the sinlessness of his life .
28 In many other places in the New Testament the Spirit who was active in the prophets is promised to the Christians to guide them , but always that guidance centres upon Jesus in whom the truth of God took personal form .
29 Needless to say , the sufferers in whom it takes longer tend to be those in whom the disease and its consequences are most intense and most obvious to everyone else .
30 ’ It 's already being said of her that unlike her famous namesake she is one in whom the quality of Mercy is very finely strained . ’
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