Example sentences of "in [Wh det] his " in BNC.

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1 His first loves — to make use of Klima 's title — prove to be his last , but prove as engrossing to him as the lyrics in which his emotional development is encoded .
2 I have heard that he was saddened by these writings of Fernanda Eberstadt 's , in which his own writings are faulted .
3 His classes are soliloquies and Socratic teases in which his interest in Classical Antiquity , in Pythagoras and Heraclitus , and in Hölderlin , Hegel and Marx , and in James Hogg , is imparted to the young ones .
4 It is also important that you try and evaluate the dramatic experience of these different forms of presentation — this is worthwhile , because it will make you think about the different ways in which an actor can work and the various ways in which his skills are used .
5 He once called it Hicksville , a small town in which his father works in the orange juice factory .
6 We see the younger brother 's personality reflected in his friend 's portrait of this atheist mathematical economist : the stony heights and rare atmosphere in which his mind moved ; the easy efficiency of the intellectual machine which ground away beneath his broad smiling face , his bulky Johnsonian frame , and spontaneous gurgling laugh , and simplicity of feeling , and honesty of heart and mind and purpose ; and with it a common sense and practicality .
7 This period is , if we except the years at Harvard , the period in which his interest in anthropology was strongest .
8 In the opening sequence of Hurlement , as Levin notes , Debord provides the audience with a reference to a cinematic tradition in which his own work is putatively situated .
9 They cautiously resumed aid ( at $58m a year ) in 1987 after Mr Bouterse allowed a free election in which his own party fared badly ; and were upset again last August when the chief police inspector was found with a bullet in his head near Mr Bouterse 's office .
10 With the Jacob/Esau narratives we begin to see it being lost sight of , though the descriptions of Jacob 's cruelty and deceitfulness , and the contrast made with Esau 's generosity , make us think the compiler was protesting against the direction in which his material was leading him .
11 The ‘ Jewish Question ’ is not touched upon in a single major public address by Hitler in this period of the ‘ seizure ’ and consolidation of power — a time , as we saw earlier , in which his popularity was greatly extended and the ‘ Führer myth ’ massively enhanced .
12 A few minutes ’ whittling caused a fairy cobbler to emerge from the tree in which his spirit had evidently been imprisoned .
13 He also had the good judgement to concentrate on those cases in which his pea plants could be classified into one of two distinct classes , with no intermediates .
14 Not the one in which he aimed highest , but the one in which his inspiration is most fully sustained ; the one with the strongest dramatic thrust ; the only one in which you truly care about the fate of the characters .
15 Mark Roe had a closing 79 in which his score slipped beyond redemption with the drive he ripped into the dell at the 12th .
16 Although Grant gave evidence in thousands of cases in which his wide experience was invaluable , he will be particularly remembered for the prominent part he played in the exposure of the forged Mussolini and Hitler diaries .
17 Joe , of the Transvaal Scottish , had been captured at Sidi Resegh in the same action in which his brother Ernest had been killed .
18 The child then becomes relatively independent of his mother and enters a sequence of periods in which his identity is established by the role that custom decrees for his age-group .
19 His uninspired and inglorious career is chiefly remembered for his unsuccessful siege of Zutphen in which his own nephew , Sir Philip Sidney , was killed .
20 Her ultimate choice was surprising , for Philippe Le Bas was the son of a man who had sat in the Convention of 1793 and who had never renounced the republican ethos in which his father had brought him up .
21 It was a short stay , but the year was to be an important one , for during it Louis-Napoleon began to see new ways in which his devotion to the Bonapartist cause might be developed .
22 He pronounced it ‘ Roobish ’ — it was a word in which his Rummidge accent was particularly noticeable .
23 Rayner Heppenstall , in The Connecting Door ( 1962 ) , establishes two different eras in which his characters exist simultaneously , and , in a later novel , Two Moons ( 1977 ) , concurrently sustains stories set in two different months , one appearing on all the left-hand pages of the novel , the other on the right .
24 He was good at climbing ; it was a sport in which his small , sinewy build was on his side .
25 When Stirling found out about the plan in which his unit was to be involved , he was even more furious .
26 Back in Cardiff , my name went up on the Honours Board and my father , in the last year before his retirement , quietly enjoyed the thought that I was to spend at least part of my life in the county in which his father had been born .
27 This was designed by Henry II himself in token of the way in which his own offspring spent most of their lives fighting against him .
28 It had been agreed that in effect he was to work as required in any country in which his employers had contracts .
29 The destruction of the Bastille in July 1789 drew from Coleridge impassioned verse in praise of freedom and ‘ glad Liberty ’ , and the fevered excitement inspired throughout Europe by the early days of the French Revolution provided the intellectual climate in which his radical conscience began to form .
30 Of course architects are human and it must be seen that such an approach is liable to make the architect a pariah figure , unbeloved of the society in which his creations are set .
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