Example sentences of "in [Wh det] he " in BNC.

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1 In 1964 Peter Murray wrote an introduction to a new edition , in which he made an observation about the passage on Bernini 's St Teresa , the sculptural group in Rome which is a key work of the Baroque :
2 He recognised the truest limits of the medium in which he worked , never allowed technical virtuosity to have the better of the central aim of significant composition , and established a balanced style which remains the most perfect model of the line-engraver 's art .
3 How beautiful , how devoid of everything like the handicraft of art it is — the largeness , and yet ingenuity of its effect — the purity of its colour — the truth , yet refinement and elegance of the action , particularly of the hands ( in which he particularly excels ) ; and then , a lesson to all high-minded slovens , the patient vigilance with which the whole is linked together , by touches , in some instances small almost as a miniature , but like the sparkling of water .
4 Eduard Trier chose to illustrate this figure in Form and Space , in which he limits himself to two observations : it is a product of refined artificiality ( in comparison with the elemental force of Marino Marini 's sculpture ) , and the girl ( in comparison with a figure by Marcello Mascherini ) is ‘ more reserved , displays a leisurely elegance in her arrested dance step ’ .
5 But the fit of jealousy in which he beats her would appear to mean something more than these words of explanation enable one to understand .
6 He has published a second volume of autobiography , in which he deals with his years as a student at Oxford before and after the world war , and is now bursar of one of the colleges there .
7 The child , possessed by wonder and nameless hauntings , tried to join together the heavings and creakings and groans and gasps and little cries he had heard as he lay on the floor , his mother 's disturbed concentration now , his father 's stillness as if felled , and the sticky warmth in which he lay between them , something more than the sweat that was there before , a substance he divined as elemental , mysterious , newly decanted , that touched his flesh and his senses with profound , unattainable meaning .
8 The poor boy , who resembles Philip Roth , tells the story in which he takes part , and does so in a manner that can be considered uncontroversial .
9 A dance ensues in which he and his characters exchange identities .
10 The conversation in Zuckerman Unbound between the novelist and his mother , in which he tenderly instructs her in how to field the intrusions that arise from the Carnovsky outrage , reads authentically , autobiographically , enough , while showing a good Jewish son .
11 He was well-aware of the sense in which he made up what happened to him , imagined his misfortune .
12 In 1953 , he was voted best actor and director for his theatre work , this was also the year in which he directed NAGARIK ( THE CITIZEN ) , the first of the eight feature films that he completed .
13 ‘ Come on now , mind my beasts , ’ a drover would say , standing up among the Golds of the plaid in which he had spent the night and putting on a practised tone of wheedling grievance .
14 Cameron was sincerely amused — he found himself weirdly untroubled , as though he was watching a fantasy unfolding in which he was barely implicated .
15 Leonard was full-blooded , physically and temperamentally , and these teenage years saw him active in a wide range of sporting interests : cycling ( one of his favourite pastimes then ) , skiing , swimming , canoeing , sailing and ice-hockey ( in which he made the school team ) , boxing and wrestling , though he was very little involved in the last two .
16 It finds fuller expression in The Favourite Game in which he describes ‘ the divine idiot ’ — though not to his satisfaction , as we shall see . )
17 Leonard himself was enthused to make his own music , an inspiration which developed from being induced to learn the piano as a young boy with Miss McDougall , in which he said that neither he nor his sister made any headway .
18 He had returned from a sojourn in New York to aid his oppressed people in the Spanish civil war , in which he lost his life just over one year after Leonard was born .
19 Moreover , in his third year , in which he read modern , European and American drama , there were a further 44 works from 20 authors not included in the above list ; some in French !
20 Ginsberg 's Howl actually came out while Leonard was there , doing for the fifties and sixties generation what Eliot 's The Waste Land did for the twenties and thirties , and not least Ginsberg 's ‘ A Supermarket In California ’ , in which he questioned Lorca 's lonely habits ; as did Lawrence Ferlinghetti 's Picture Of The Gone World .
21 He launched into details of the sporting activities in which he thought she took part .
22 A woman with long white hair wearing a loose , black dress went on plaiting bright strands of silk ; a young , dark man in a sleeveless jerkin continued to bend over the sketch book in which he was drawing .
23 On the third day Susan received a letter from him in which he explained that he was in a clinic for marioc addicts , ‘ Not that I could be called an addict , ’ he wrote , ‘ and this place is more of a health farm , really . ’
24 Like a detective displaying the only clues in a case in which he has become personally involved , he holds out the croci with a shrug of quiet resolve .
25 Massine took this theme from Tchaikovsky 's own letters to his patron in which he described a composer 's search for ideas .
26 Japanese The first of Ashton 's ballets in oriental style was Madame Chrysanthème , in which he utilised many traditional japanese gestures made more fascinating by emphasis of his dainty ballerina 's footwork .
27 There 's a portrait of him in Llanberis vicarage in which he looks as irrepressible and intelligent as this action implies .
28 That was the measure of affection and esteem in which he was held .
29 Having , as I say , abandoned everything he had done , he sat down and wrote a six-part novel within a year which included a twenty-six day break in which he threw together and dictated The Gambler , itself not a small book nor a negligible one , to satisfy the terms of a contract he had made with a shyster publisher .
30 The episode with the child is a reworking of Svidrigailov 's nightmare immediately before his suicide , in which he finds an abandoned little girl and carries her upstairs and puts her in his bed , and goes back later to see how she is .
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