Example sentences of "in [Wh det] our " in BNC.

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1 We had recently finished with the Douglas car company but wanted to keep the series topical and so developed a new setting in which our hero uses his amoral cunning to preserve part of Britain 's disappearing heritage ’ .
2 ‘ I am fasting because I see no other way to express my protest against the ways in which our politicians brazenly keep up appearances and celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the state as their victory .
3 Easton is the fictitious name we have given to the area of Belfast in which our research was located .
4 In the third part of the series in which our road testers name the cars they rate as the best , the ultimate in luxury saloons comes to the fore .
5 That is the sense in which our universe is romantic and theirs was classical .
6 They were the years in which we began to grow up ; in which we started to discover who it was we thought we 'd like to be ; in which our earliest ( and therefore longest-lasting ) preferences in love , music , pleasure were formed .
7 There are so many ways in which our intolerance will trigger an angry response either in ourselves or others .
8 RIGHT-THINKING PEOPLE have been angered and shamed by the manner in which our unimaginative leaders bundled that wretched and ill-done-by Papusoiu onto a plane at Heathrow airport bound for a cruel Romanian jail , and have voiced their disgust .
9 The next building block is our family priority in which our spouse actually takes precedence over the rest of the family .
10 I was delighted to see my friend 's happy pudding face again , blinking up at the collapsing mansion in which our flat was located .
11 So much for the way in which our furry fauna have captivated so many kite flyers ; now to the practical aspects of how to take the skydiver up to a safe release height .
12 They reveal positive directions in which our lives might move , and move we always will , since being means becoming .
13 Making love is a metaphysical experience in which our Ego boundaries are lost , our fears of intimacy and vulnerability overcome .
14 Who cares where they put the Channel Tunnel terminal when what really makes you cross is having to travel half an hour to find a park in which our kids can play — except , that is , if your street is in the line of blight ?
15 Christians generally associate this incident with the Eucharist , in which our souls are nourished through all the difficulties and adventures of life .
16 Colonel Munro ( Maurice Roevens ) claps Day-Lewis in irons for allegedly preaching sedition , the Brits surrender to the French and there is a horribly violent battle in which our stalwart bunch escape yet again .
17 This is reflected in those chapters of this book which deal with the agriculture of the farms and the homes in which our subjects lived , trade in commodities and finished products , the craft skills in use and the religious beliefs of the population which were persuasively altered by Christian missionaries .
18 It 's nice to know that our goldfish will potentially be hardy but as actual or potential goldfish keepers we are primarily concerned with establishing conditions in which our fish will actually flourish .
19 Of great interest will be journalist Didier Eribon 's record of Conversations with Ernst Gombrich , discussing recurring issues in his writings such as the relationship between art and perception and the way in which our responses are conditioned by conventions , history , social pressures and changes of taste .
20 The society in which our children live and grow is characterised by contrasting and conflicting values .
21 The way in which our primary schools are organised , both in curriculum terms and in the pattern of the school day , prompts reflection on the range of viewpoints which can be sincerely held when education can be regarded in such humanistic terms .
22 Hayes makes some relevant remarks , but even more apposite here is the computationally-informed work of the psycholinguists G. A. Miller and P. N. Johnson-Laird , who have studied the basic perceptual procedures in which our linguistic abilities are grounded ( Miller & Johnson-Laird 1976 ) .
23 Human beings both have that understanding and are the objects of it , and this is one of the basic respects in which our ethical relations to each other must always be different from our relations to other animals .
24 We are equally ready to project this highly idealized picture of ourselves onto our own past and do not know what to make of the weird mystical ‘ fantasies ’ in which our ancestors seem to have indulged .
25 It is a quaint custom in which our villagers ‘ beat the bounds , ’ ride around on trailers pulled by tractors and sit on bales of straw .
26 The state of emergency in which our planet finds itself consists not only in the contamination of nature but of the very roots of our thought , which are still shaped by thousands of years of prejudice and prescriptive categories .
27 At the time , after all , we despised the manner in which our elders were so nostalgic for the hippy era .
28 All claims under this paragraph ( 3 ) shall in respect of both liability and quantum fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the country in which our contract with you was made .
29 There are many other ways in which our telephone technique can be improved .
30 This section of the discussion concerns the use of sentence contexts in the recognition of words , and the way in which our eyes inspect some words in preference to others .
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