Example sentences of "in [Wh det] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 He describes ufology as ‘ a war zone in which everyone desperately defends their own theory and hates everyone else . ’
2 Katie Mitchell 's revival sets this strictly moral tale of wrongdoing in a very Christian context in which everyone behaves with an irritating and folksy religiosity .
3 Taken as a whole , the 1950s can be seen as a decade in which everyone had to work very hard just to keep the District on an even keel : it reflects great credit on all concerned that , in statistical terms , the decline of the early fifties was halted so that ultimately an expansionist phase could begin .
4 This can only be done , he suggests , by moving away from hierarchy and towards a position in which everyone is a manager .
5 True art and architecture collaboration is a process in which everyone has to define his own limits .
6 We 've gone from a more-or-less carefree kind of life of our twenties , in which the car , the flat and the girlfriend/ boyfriend were about the only real constituents — to a world in which everyone wants a piece of our time , in which we have to make decisions ( fundamental , trivial , pregnant with import ) every three minutes .
7 It is possible for us to image a society of saints in which no one committed what we see as crimes , in which everyone behaved in an impeccable manner .
8 Of even greater consequence , the participation of adolescents in society was of special interest in the latter part of the War when ‘ reconstruction ’ promised both efficiency and a liberal , social democracy in which everyone had a part to play .
9 Imagine just one morning in which everyone you encounter says to you ‘ And what are you going to do for me , then ? ’
10 The man with the concertina , whom Ruth had noticed on the day they sailed from Liverpool , struck up a tune ; only this time it was not a dance , but a hymn of thanksgiving and praise , in which everyone joined .
11 It is a light , fluffy effort in which everyone says exactly what 's on their minds at all times .
12 Against both Yeovil and Scarborough we are prepared to accept a David and Goliath situation in which everyone is pulling for little David . ’
13 This is a collective ritual in which everyone plays a part .
14 Its vision for society is that of a reconstituted pre-industrial kind of community in which everyone knows who they are , what is expected of them and the kind of values by which they are to live .
15 The great game of cricket is now in danger of becoming the sport in which everyone is frightened of telling the truth .
16 You may think you are a good enough driver to go over the speed limit , but you may also realise that a world in which everyone drove very fast might be a little on the dangerous side .
17 The faulty programming of work in a situation in which everyone was trying to beat the planners , and having variable success , but not producing whole working power stations , was clearly ludicrous .
18 It may be that the state of affairs in which everyone ( as opposed to just some people ) is guided by such a maxim is an impossibility , or it may be that it is in some way a thing that no individual can wish for .
19 For Assiter , fantasy is not just a harmless and essentially solitary activity in which everyone engages to a greater or lesser extent , but is something which also has an effect on the way people behave towards others , and on the way they may feel they can justifiably treat each other , particularly women .
20 I thought that Basil appreciated more than most the essential magic of the child 's experience of the world and the expression of this in art — not that he ever said this , but his own manner as a teacher always implied that this was a special , essentially elevated kind of activity — but one in which everyone had the capacity to join .
21 Protagoras ' reply to this is to contend that political wisdom is not a matter of specialized knowledge , but something in which everyone has a share , and in which it is necessary that everyone has a share , " Otherwise the state could not exist " .
22 The Profitboss develops an organization in which entrepreneurial spirit is encouraged not stilled in which everyone can develop an " entrepreneurial eye " .
23 To fail in marriage nowadays is to go bankrupt in a business of life in which everyone engages and in which the large majority at least appear to be successful .
24 And once this kind of polarization is set in motion , it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy in which everyone who is not with us is against us .
25 To promote the learner as subject , Freire proposes a dialogue approach in which everyone participates as co-learners to understand and create a jointly constructed reality .
26 When the village was almost entirely an agricultural community then a case can be made , as we shall see , that the close-knit and overlapping social ties produced a situation in which everyone more or less knew everyone else , but we should be wary of sanctifying the agricultural village with a misplaced nostalgia .
27 After a witnessing session in which everyone opened their hearts and emerged exalted we walked out into the night and began to neck .
28 Instead of promoting a situation in which everyone is itching to do something positive for the good of the Tour , we merely ended up with a handful of players who did nothing but complain . ’
29 A study in 1971 found that of 132 political states only 12 were true nation-states in which everyone had the same native tongue .
30 And it 's not just in this country that memories of a Britain in which everyone wore a vest , ate toasted crumpets for tea and never went out without a hat that these programmes are appreciated .
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