Example sentences of "in [pos pn] years " in BNC.

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1 It is idle to speculate on the source of leaks — that I did learn in my years in Government — but what was certain was that the Telegraph story could not have appeared at a worse time .
2 In my years as a professional warrener , in the days when gin traps were permissible , I used to expect an almost daily kill of ground predators while trapping burrow systems .
3 It was one of the least gracious occasions I recall in my years in motor racing .
4 Or do they admit that the Rural Scheme is simply a rate-paid organisation to amuse well-educated people in their years of retirement .
5 Well , if you were looking for the qualities Elinor had displayed in their years together , you could probably only have done better by marrying a man-eating tiger .
6 Since the introduction of A levels , English , Welsh , and Northern Irish schools , unlike schools in Scotland , Europe , or America , have expected pupils to study at most three examinable subjects in their years in the sixth form , these three being generally either all arts or all science subjects , though mathematics has been found commonly on either side of the divide .
7 Some years ago The Sunday Times invited parents ( representing a wide range of social backgrounds ) to list the things which they felt to be significant for their children in their years of primary schooling .
8 Cecilia has done well — she is now on a polytechnic degree course — but nothing in her years in care prepared her for independent living .
9 If she had been a religious person she would have put it down to retribution for her sins , but she had lost whatever faith she had had in her years as the Madam of Dublin 's most fashionable brothel .
10 In her years in the brothels in Dublin , she had seen far too many girls with their bodies twisted and scarred by the constricting corsets .
11 In her years working with the Madam and then running her brothel she had come to know many , and she could usually spot their type .
12 In his years in Number 10 , he showed limited interest in social or institutional reform .
13 The most famous and obvious dissenter was Winston Churchill who , in his years in the political wilderness , was a great critic of both Stanley Baldwin and Neville Chamberlain .
14 In his years of infiltrating terrorist groups Trent had been forced to listen to every form of philosophical self-justification .
15 The following year his talent for crowd control , grounded in his years as a Baptist preacher , was put to more commercial use when Cook personally conducted 1,673 people to a working-man 's demonstration in Paris .
16 In his years in Safenwil , Barth and his closest friend throughout sixty years , Eduard Thurneysen ( 1888 — 1974 ) engaged in an intense questioning search for the foundation and ultimate rationale of their calling as pastors and preachers .
17 Almond Nofomela had been among the most trusted of Coetzee 's askaris in his years with Section C. Nofomela had been involved in killings up to despatch of the unfortunate Lesotho diamond dealer .
18 Her slim , nude body , warm in the candlelight , warm by the fire , turning and turning , now this way , now that , against him … the curve of her back … the firmness of her hips … her soft breasts … the grace of her neck and the beauty of her , and of her face , and the dark , desperate eyes , begging now , and entranced — these were the images of her he had only half captured in his years of days away from this house .
19 Britten is a vocal composer par excellence , and he learned , under Auden 's powerful didactic spirit , much that was to bear fruit in his years as a mature artist .
20 Chairman Robinson said : ‘ There is only one Andy Gregory and he was the most influential player in our years of success since 1987 .
21 But this was a great feeling of what we had been used to over the years in watching American movies and , with our tongue in cheek and a bit of a giggle , seeing the adventures of the cavalry arriving , And for the first time in our years of combat I had a glow , a rosy glow , inside me and I knew and was certain for the very first time now we could not be beaten .
22 In your years as a deputy , have you stopped production because safety was at risk ?
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