Example sentences of "in [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In Tamil a statement becomes a question by the simple addition of a question suffix ( there is no difference in intonation ) .
2 There followed an awful period of nearly a year when she was unemployed , searching the back pages of the Times Higher Education Supplement in vain every week for lectureships in nineteenth-century English Literature .
3 In vain the Hawthorn spreads her snowy Pride ,
4 In vain the poor jackal howled and shrieked to the tiger to stop , but the noise behind him only frightened the coward more .
5 In private an autocrat , Ballinger was popular with the public and its political representatives , whom he impressed with his authority , journalism , and the exhibitions he organized ; but , sadly , his lack of humour and austere sense of mission alienated many of his associates and he intimidated his subordinates .
6 In private the more cynical express a different view of their task .
7 George had told him in private the reason for Sarah Butler being packed off to Leeds , and he had realised then that her infatuation for George was an obsession .
8 On 26 April , only one month after the press conference , up to 25 million dollars was the pot being chased in public , while in private the Utah lobbyists were talking about 125 million .
9 But Council members began meeting in private the day before the full session .
10 But in private the department held deep reservations about the benefits of fresh legislation and about its purity protagonists .
11 But for all this fine façade , in private the ambitions of the Mughal Emperors knew no moral limitations : without scruple they would murder their brothers , poison their sisters or starve their fathers .
12 In some of these there is now an insistence that rural Bolivians should be able to learn first in one of the country 's three major native tongues rather than in Spanish the official language .
13 ‘ It would have been better if he had praised us no matter what anyone said , ’ Sheila said when the girls were alone with Rose , disappointed that he had failed to support them in public no matter what his intentions were .
14 In public the White House maintains that the president does not need a congressional resolution at all to use force .
15 In public the couple were all smiles , in private it was a different story .
16 He had neither remained discreetly silent , nor had he made any attempt to explain in public the reasons for his resignation .
17 He banned many of their rites and their passion plays and he forbade women to wear in public the cahdor , the long , black seamless garment in which they were covered from scalp to toe .
18 In public the actions of the Emperor and his court were governed by a rigid code of courtliness , as subtle and elaborate as the interlaced borders the Mughal artists painted around their miniatures .
19 In public the Bush administration is wholeheartedly on the side of the mujaheddin , as was President Reagan .
20 It referred to the regional strategy which is currently out for consultation but was an emerging document and copies of that were again appended to the briefing paper it outlined the county council 's procedures which were followed in progress in the structure plan it outlined a programme establishing the weight of opinion of objectors it indicated our process in preparing policy amendments to be put to the panel and all those matters were made public It also requested the panel 's view on the role of county council members at the enquiry in public the responses to that were not made public and were in fact a question which was clearly put to the panel .
21 Van Soest has achieved a considerable feat in guiding the reader through the complexities of ruminant nutrition with great clarity and at times a fine sense of humour .
22 Insofar as Kuhn recognizes the role played by a paradigm in guiding the search for and interpretation of observable phenomena , he accommodates most of what I have described as the theory-dependence of observation in Chapter 3 .
23 In these meetings , students come together to discuss a defined topic , whose main points are put forward by one of their own number ; the staff members who attend do so not to teach but to play a part in guiding the discussion .
24 They are of value in guiding the clinician 's testing of aphasic patients , but are not of direct value in relation to theorising about the language-processing system and how it can go wrong after brain damage , because one can not answer such question as ‘ In Broca 's aphasia , how is the language-processing system malfunctioning ? ’
25 A technique known as " funnelling " in which more general questions are followed by more specific ones amplifying the general ones can be useful in guiding the interviewer through the schedule and encouraging the respondent to give fuller answers .
26 ESVEM showed no difference in the predictive accuracy of ambulatory monitoring or electrophysiological testing in guiding the selection of antiarrhythmic drug therapy in this population .
27 For his skill in guiding the vessel within feet of Mr Peter and Mrs Margaret Darling , Mr Peter Hodge , aged 44 , of Ings Road , Redcar , will travel to the Royal Festival Hall in London in May to receive the RNLI bronze medal .
28 His authority in dealings with the government — and , indeed , rapport with de Klerk — is vital in guiding the country through one of its most difficult phases .
29 And then fourthly , more and more the orthodox churches placed , played a very significant part in guiding the port of as far as as the assembly was concerned .
30 He had thought that he must come back to her now as a stranger , learning afresh the shape of her wide forehead and tapering face , and the way she had of opening her eyes wide to take in entire the person to whom she spoke .
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