Example sentences of "in [noun sg] i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If I wanted to wade around in shit I 'd go for a walk down a sewer .
2 Going back to the railway station was for the moment out of the question , just in case I bumped into someone who recognized me .
3 Always say to yourself , ‘ I will select a field just in case I do n't find lift . ’
4 That was in case I had a ‘ hypo ’ , ’ she recalls .
5 Mr Langford has left the matter open until Friday in case I change my mind , but I wo n't .
6 I dare n't wear that nice fur coat that cousin Freda gave me in case I get bombed by the Animal Liberation Front .
7 This had already been binned but I binned the offer as well , just in case I ever came close to considering it seriously .
8 Leaving such miscommunications aside , though , it is still true to say that we search for confirmation , and I have found myself reluctant to make the telephone call or write the letter of sympathy in case I have heard it wrongly or been given the wrong information .
9 I pinned it to the corkboard with a red drawing pin and a light heart , and went upstairs again to change back into jodhpur boots to deal with the terrain and to pick up the map and the compass in case I could n't find the trail .
10 ‘ I should go in case I 'm seen .
11 I felt quite nervous undertaking this role in case I became ‘ out of my depth ’ and could n't provide the new mother with the support that she needed , either emotionally or physically , but on balance decided that the only way to find out was to give it a whirl !
12 I had agreed to this in case I had to have a Caesarian .
13 In case I can lever out that toad , Morgan . ’
14 I was a little unsettled by the fury of the blizzard , and hugged the top of the ridge all the way along , but avoided taking in the top due west of Cairn Gorm in case I was blown off my feet .
15 I woke up frightened at having my knife and pill-bottles in the tent in case I should end my life during my night 's sleep .
16 I ambled intentionally slowly , hiding my wrist-watch in my pocket , in case I damaged the leg further through impatience and hurrying .
17 I had lunch and then sat on the wheelbarrow swatting flies , neither willing to go further out of my way , nor to return , just in case I was on the right track .
18 ( And , in case I muddled the halves and thought the lady 's name was Mary Marks , I decided that it would be a very windy day and that , as the skirt of her wedding gown was blown by the gales , I was able to see that she was wearing suspenders . )
19 ‘ I 'm going to finish getting my Nature collection while we 're here , look you , in case I do n't get a chance again , ’ Jill confided to Jennifer , her Sixer .
20 I am really glad of it ; I do n't think I would want them to be there , just in case I lost .
21 My mother always told me to put on clean underwear in case I got knocked over and taken to hospital , but the possibility that someone 's drunken wife might decide to revenge herself on her husband by going down on me was not a scenario we had ever discussed .
22 I had n't even looked at the floor in case I got nostalgic for my own personal locks now lost to me for ever .
23 I was always on my guard , always playing the ‘ macho ’ role but always worried sick in case I was found out .
24 We swayed down the long baggage car , which was half empty of freight and very noisy , and George , having told me to remove and lay aside my waistcoat in case I got oil on it , unlocked the door at the far end .
25 I just wanted a reason for having been out , in case I was caught coming back . ’
26 I 've also got an early '60s L-series Strat and I 've never played a better Strat than that one , but I do n't use it live in case I lose it .
27 I am writing almost at once , in case I forget .
28 My arm was beginning to hurt pretty badly , so I decided to pull my chute straight away in case I fainted from loss of blood .
29 The bad yellow-eyed woman made me take my toothbrush in case I got carted off to pokey .
30 As a young person , I am often quite afraid to go out on the streets in case I am approached by one of these grey-haired vandals and informed how much worse the world is these days or interrogated as to why young people do n't have any respect anymore .
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