Example sentences of "in [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , in using as an example the books of Joyce Porter featuring the gross , lazy and self-indulgent Inspector Dover we have already touched on this difficult combination of crime ( which is , after all , a serious matter almost all of the time ) and farce , and these two types of book are , of course , closely linked .
2 After she left at 16 she got a job in a pub but became interested in nursing as a career , being taken on as a trainee student nurse three years later .
3 He served as a member of the royal commission on Indian expenditure ( 1895–1900 ) but he made an error in appearing as a witness before the other commissioners .
4 She was 16 at the time , but later succeeded in qualifying as a lawyer .
5 Reducing the widening social class divide in smoking as a priority in line with Government plans in Health of the Nation White Paper .
6 Lord Keith , along with other British judges , sees the rule in Marleasing as one of interpretation only which leaves the national judge a margin of discretion to find that it is not possible to reconcile national law with Community law .
7 The dementia sufferer will become increasingly forgetful , and will therefore have growing difficulty in living as a conventional , independent , social being .
8 Jean Dwyer , widely known in publishing as the long standing London syndication manager of News Ltd of Australia , died in Oxford on 9th March , aged 59 , after a long illness .
9 Put it in writing as ammunition .
10 went so far as to almost in writing as part of the reasoning for the proposed change by Ryedale .
11 The HRD practitioner can provide useful assistance in specifying the resources that are needed , in serving as a resource , in identifying other internal and external resources , and in encouraging people to generate creative ways of using resources .
12 The international cooperation in seen as a way to reduce costs .
13 She herself had never aspired to a career , finding complete satisfaction in acting as her husband 's typist and research assistant in the time she had left over from gardening and housekeeping .
14 It is believed that the tongue plays an important part in acting as an antennae for vibrations , or that the snake is hypersensitive to earth vibrations .
15 Messrs Jordan and Stone are accused of breaching the Institute 's ethical guidelines in acting as administrators for Polly Peck in spite of an alleged ‘ continuing professional relationship ’ between Coopers & Lybrand and the company .
16 Moreover , in acting as a teacher the librarian was offering structured and directed courses with declared objectives , and frequently with examined results .
17 We can also see some colleges and institutes of higher education , in trying to develop distinctive degree courses for the first time , taking pride in acting as ‘ coherent , self-critical academic communities ’ when difficult choices are made in determining where effort and scarce resources are best applied in the short term .
18 It is difficult to exaggerate their importance in influencing legislation , government policies and administration and in acting as coordinators and channels of local authority opinion .
19 It 's here that Impey , in his book , sees a particular role for the internal auditor in acting as tutor and guide to all line managers in assessing their own systems and controls , and identifying areas for improvement , as part of their annual operational review .
20 First er in raising national awareness of the problems , secondly in acting as advocates for children , thirdly in piloting new and innovative methods for helping children and fourthly in acting to protect the interests of children who are the victims of disaster .
21 The Fourth Division club is having talks with three companies interested in acting as ground consultants .
22 Many of these were the overseas branches of US banks which made a healthy margin in acting as the go-betweens between the OPEC members , who wanted to lend dollars , and the countries with balance of payments deficits which wanted to borrow them .
23 In reporting as a result of an assurance oriented valuation engagement , the following principles should be borne in mind :
24 There are many analogies in accounting as a whole for this paradox .
25 Whether one sees creativity in accounting as a virtue or not , it is a natural part of the tradition of flexibility in rule making ( a tradition that includes an unwritten constitution and common law , among other things ) : detailed and specific rights and obligations are anathema .
26 We were fortunate in getting as a consultant Fred Spence , who was the advertising manager in Calcutta of the Imperial Tobacco Company .
27 Hence a social contract can ensure stable cooperation only if it reads ‘ I will cooperate ; I will join in punishing any defection ; I will treat any member who does not join in punishing as a defector . ’
28 In this case , there is no increase in spending as a result of an increase in the level of income of the median voter .
29 He was lucky to have the support of his family , but above all , in having as his Lady Mayoress a wife who showed him such love and devotion , in sickness and in health .
30 The banks questioned in the survey argued that although the level of headhunting activity had indeed risen with the Big Bang , from their point of view it had then fallen off ; whilst many non-financial users of search , such as BICC , suggested that claims of noticeable changes in recruiting as a result of either event were wildly exaggerated .
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