Example sentences of "in [noun] he " in BNC.

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1 His passage through darkness , marked by the ‘ woman in black ’ , burdened women , the bent heads of sorrowing men , convulsed roots and empty chairs , leads from death to the growth that one frosty crisis after another nips in the bud — in fact to the Baby in Cradle he had pictured while in The Hague and been unable to keep faith with .
2 In barracks he was where Sims could find him and while he did n't expect much from Sunday dinner in a near-deserted mess , just being back with the Army was sauce enough for the moment .
3 ‘ We told him it was a holiday in case he blabbed at the border , ’ his parents explained .
4 The producer sent him the script , in case he was curious , but assured him there was no question of him appearing on stage in the role .
5 ‘ We can go anywhere we want to afterwards , ’ he added in case he was appearing stingy .
6 ‘ He said he wished me luck in case he did n't get the chance today .
7 In case he 's got McCloy 's blood money hidden away ? ’
8 I think for a bit about going to ask him how I get home but I do n't want to ask him in case he tells Mr Jackson .
9 I do n't want him asking me questions like where I 'm going and stuff like that , just in case he tells Mr Jackson .
10 Jane thought she 'd better not offer to shake hands in case he let go of the stick and fell over .
11 ‘ I saw the skeletons and — ’ To his surprise , he had to stop , in case he burst into tears .
12 But as always I was wary of contradicting him , not wanting to antagonize him by even the slightest show of disagreement in case he left me .
13 He did n't smile in case he might seem either flippant or impertinent .
14 ‘ Nobody except me that is , ’ I added hastily in case he decided to throw me in the dungeons .
15 He was almost afraid to fall asleep in case he was pulled from his bed in the middle of the night and thrashed .
16 It seemed he had left in the Casa Guidi a gun of which he was fond , taking only his hunting rifle in case he had the chance to go into the country to shoot rabbits .
17 I dare n't drop him in , just in case he became a little less enthusiastic .
18 A Peruvian man with drug-resistant tuberculosis was advised to come to Britain for treatment , but warned not to bring any medication in case he was stopped at immigration .
19 At 8 am yesterday , Woosnam resumed play on the 14th green , having refused to hole a putt of 4ft the previous night in case he missed it .
20 The road was so bumpy Endill had to hold on tight in case he was thrown from his seat .
21 There were not so many lights and Endill kept a close eye on the Headmaster in case he became lost in the darkness .
22 Trent considered showing one of them how to keep the bows of the Zodiac to the wind in case he had to cast them off but Louis was beside him .
23 A metre and a half of copper wire with wooden handgrips at each end went in his pocket plus a box of bullets for his Walther in case he should be able to reclaim it from the masthead .
24 To the Russians he will always be a traitor and therefore suspect and under surveillance in case he tries to re-defect so he can not leave Russia , his letters will be censored , and telephone calls bugged .
25 When he failed to return , NID made a search of the dockyard area in case he had been forced to come ashore else-where .
26 More than once , though , she slipped in close and slid his dirk from its sheath , in case he should use it against himself .
27 But , to return one final time to Bakhtin , in case he is appropriated yet again to legitimate a selective and ludicrously ahistorical celebration of ‘ carnival ’ :
28 But I am terrified of taking him home to meet the family and particularly my sister , in case he goes the way of all the others .
29 You may also need to supervise the patient , in case he forgets what he has to do and leaves the gas on without lighting it , for example , or without putting the pan of food on the cooker .
30 Even if he is walking well , you may need to take a wheelchair in case he gets tired , or you can plan the outing so that you walk short distances between benches in the street or local park .
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