Example sentences of "in [noun] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly it was in vogue to have an all-over tan — so the barer the body the better !
2 From this treatise and other evidence , it can be deduced that Dom Pérignon achieved the following innovations : he was the first person in Champagne to produce a truly red wine ; the first person to produce a perfectly limpid white wine from black grapes ; he invented the traditional Champagne press ; perfected the art of blending wines from many different vineyards to produce one consistent and superior cuvée , or blend ; reintroduced the cork-stopper to France ; and pioneered the use of stronger English glass to withstand the internal pressure generated by sparkling wine .
3 But Fiver was nowhere to be seen and Hazel was afraid to ask for him , in case to do so should seem like weakness and a need for comfort .
4 Yes , it 's the County Council canteen , but the City Council is putting in money to subsidize it .
5 In the 1989 statement on Government expenditure they announced that the Home Office was to receive yet another increase in money to enable it to build two extra prisons , to set up 30 day centres for parole on probation , to recruit 300 more police officers in provincial forces , to employ an additional 1,300 civilians in the police forces and to make the Immigration and Nationality Department more efficient .
6 He 's calling for a change in direction to kick start the economy .
7 The statement by Adam Smith that businessmen 's meetings , even for ‘ merriment and diversion ’ , usually end up in connivance to restrict competition , is often quoted , but the sentence which follows it is equally perceptive : ‘ It is impossible indeed to prevent such meetings , by any law which either could be executed , or would be consistent with liberty and justice . ’
8 A spokesman for Drake Training says that there is a possibility that it may establish an office in Moscow to put the training of Russian NetWare engineers on a more regular footing .
9 Another feature of Party activity in Roslavl' and Smolensk reflected in microcosm top-level efforts in Moscow to divide and rule by setting the Living Church and other sects against the official Orthodox Church .
10 In 1652 Alexis was persuaded to establish a new ‘ foreign suburb ’ in Moscow to replace the one destroyed during the Time of Troubles .
11 It was all very well for the government in Moscow to lay down severe penalties for its servants who maltreated the natives .
12 After the successful tour of Japan and the trip on the Trans Siberian Express across Russia , stopping off in Moscow to see the May Day Parade , Bowie travelled overland to Paris and met up with Angie .
13 One wonders just how furious : last week , back in Moscow to see her three-year-old son between performances , Semenyaka was having difficulties getting a visa to come back for her next role here , Cinderella , in only three weeks ' time .
14 I left the University fired with enthusiasm to go to live in Moscow to practise the language .
15 April : April 1 : Bessmertnykh discussed in Beijing measures to resolve Soviet-Chinese border disputes , and the reduction of troops on both sides of the border ; April 4 : Polish Prime Minister Jan Krzysztof Bielecki held talks with Gorbachev in Moscow on the withdrawal of Soviet forces from Poland , the internal situation in both countries , and prospects for co-operation ; April 4 : Romanian President Iliescu arrived in Moscow to sign the Soviet-Romanian Treaty ; April 8-9 : Bessmertnykh , visiting Belgrade , supported the preservation of Yugoslavia 's territorial integrity ; April 8 : Viktor Komplektov named as new Soviet ambassador to the USA ; April 9-10 : Bessmertnykh had talks in Athens with Greek President Karamanlis and Foreign Minister Antonis Samaras and signed a treaty of friendship and co-operation ; April 16-19 : President Gorbachev visited Japan , the first visit by a Soviet leader , and had a number of ( inconclusive ) discussions with Japanese officials about the fate of the disputed Kurile Islands — the main obstacle to a significant increase in the amount of Japanese aid and credits to the USSR ; April 17 : as part of a $3,000 million aid package agreed earlier in the year , the South Korean Export-Import bank signed an agreement giving the Soviet Union $800 million worth of credits to purchase South Korean raw materials and consumer goods .
16 Thus by March 1947 , when the foreign ministers of the occupation powers met in Moscow to discuss a German peace treaty , the Anglo — Americans and Russia were already far apart in their German policies .
17 Republican representatives had met in Moscow to discuss future military structures on Dec. 20 .
18 Once we had landed in Moscow to change planes , it all started to become sub-normal , and then sub-real , and finally sub-human , a straightforward descent into common or garden madness .
19 In local government in Rome , Edmondo Angele , the councillor with responsibility for Heritage , was arrested for alleged extortion while negotiating a contract to improve the navigability of the Tiber ; a building firm called Gruppo Acqua grew from nothing in 1973 to become a multi-national which recently won a contract in Moscow to fight pollution .
20 Mr Gorbachev 's government has responded to Lithuania 's declaration of independence by ordering ministries in Moscow to impose direct control over transport , communications and many factories in the republic .
21 The Sovgeo joint venture enterprise in Russia has opened a computer centre in Moscow to provide computer processing of geophysical data on oil , gas and coal deposits in the Russian Federation .
22 People will say ‘ I 'll never forgive myself if I do n't do what he asks ’ , and death-bed promises become sacrosanct , so that people feel they are binding in generations to come .
23 Sections were dewaxed in toluene , dehydrated in ethanol , washed in PBS , and immersed in a solution of 0.3% hydrogen peroxide in PBS to eliminate endogenous peroxidase activity .
24 1 tin anchovy fillets , soaked in milk to reduce saltiness
25 But the brain is three-dimensional with inconceivably more cells , and those cells are far more wonderful for not only can they light up in patterns to show pictures representing outside vision , but they can subtly change the material and they can remember everything .
26 I mean to lay down my life that men like you can live in freedom to fight for what is right in the world . ’
27 In other words , perhaps a little more than half of the variation in liability to develop Crohn 's disease is a consequence of inherited differences between individuals .
28 These findings support the contention that host antigenic variation , through an autoimmune aetiology , is unlikely to make a substantial contribution to differences in liability to develop Crohn 's disease .
29 It is surprising therefore , that there has been so little public interest in this country in proposals to release into the environment living , man-made creatures .
30 The adult babywalker was improvised by staff at the Widemarsh disabled workshop in Hereford to stop him wandering off .
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