Example sentences of "and through [art] " in BNC.

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1 I tell you , Minnie , I have fallen from favour of late and through no fault of my own , whereas my husband and son rest high in Mrs Browning 's estimation .
2 How can people be expected to submit detailed applications when , for a variety of social reasons and through no fault of their own , they do not have the wherewithal , information and literacy to express themselves ?
3 The goalkeeper swore he had read the book out of interest and through no need of practical assistance .
4 The basic Conservative policy between the wars was to encourage the speedy building of houses at low cost by every means and through every agency .
5 in unwise policy decisions ; in day to day ineptness in running the enterprises ; in illicit government transfer payments in construction and purchase contracts and through every other imaginable channel ; in the use of contractor finance and suppliers ' credits to finance the venality of state officials ; and in overburdened and unrealistic capital structures .
6 Erika picked up the phone and through a barrage of crackles heard a smooth voice .
7 The interference mysteriously stopped and through a clear line Frau Nordern 's voice boomed with all its usual authority , as if the ghost had miraculously become embodied with all the solidity of human flesh .
8 You have only to read her bestselling books , In the Shadow of Man and Through a Window , to recognise that by temperament she is a romantic and a child of nature .
9 In the Shadow of Man ( paperback , £8.95 ) and Through a Window ( hardback , £15 ) are both published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson .
10 He pushed me towards the light and through a door then took the scarf off my eyes .
11 The other branch runs south-eastwards through New Guinea and the New Hebrides and through a scatter of small Melanesian islands , before making an abrupt dog 's leg northwards to the Samoan islands to join the Tonga-Kermadec chain which extends southwards again into New Zealand .
12 ‘ Widely accepted ’ of course means accepted by the Secretary of State , after an appropriate process of consultation and through a process of parliamentary approval , about which more below .
13 More than 100 jobs have also been found through a community employment and enterprise centre set up in the shopping centre and through a residents-run job club .
14 Edward Topsel , the English naturalist , writing in 1658 stipulated that , to cure blindness , or pains in the eye : ‘ Take the head of a black Cat , which hath not a spot of another colour in it , and burn it to powder in an earthen pot leaded or glazed within , then take this powder and through a quill blow it thrice a day into the eye ’ — the italics were not used in the original , but are to draw attention to the crucial quality of the black cat who is about to lose his head .
15 The engine is deceptively simple , powering the propeller and through a generator , creating the electricity needed to run the waterpump , heating and lighting .
16 The Frome was in smelling distance now and through a gap between overhanging houses she caught a glimpse of tall upright masts and rigging .
17 Soundwise the ME-10 kicks out some really usable sounds , and through a combo or power amp all the effects and processes ( like compressor , distortion , noise suppressor , EQ , phaser , flanger , pitch shifter , delay , stereo chorus and reverb ) can be adjusted to sound either fat and warm , thin and cutting , and to cover most points in between .
18 The face is continually seen hiding behind dark glasses , underwater goggles , and through a goldfish bowl , cutting himself off from those around him .
19 You bring lots of people in at junior management and through a series of apprenticeships you cream off the people who get to the top .
20 ‘ My guy 's an impulsive-obsessive and through a chain of events gets amnesia .
21 From Eston Nab the route goes southeast and then east past Poplar Farm and through a wooded area to Park Farm .
22 Follow the path to Cook 's Castle and through a wooded area .
23 This walk takes you around moorland through a forest , by a reservoir and through a nature reserve all on the National Trusts ' 13,00 acre Wallington Estate in Northumberland .
24 At the next junction turn left , descend the rocky slope and through a gate .
25 ‘ However , with the help of considerable capital funding from the ITI , and through a joint venture approach with Sutton Borough Council , who provided capital , land and an annual subsidy , the original concept has been developed into a working model aimed at serving as an example for other local authorities to consider . ’
26 She came to England to stay with a sister , went to acting school in London and through a teacher who knew how to persuade Emlyn Williams , was all but smuggled into The Last Days of Dolwyn as the sixth girl extra ‘ when only five had been budgeted for .
27 A Study Skills Handbook sets out to train the students in all these areas and does so in an authoritative no-nonsense manner ( making frequent use of Golden Rules ) and through a wealth of practical exercises .
28 Compaq Computer Corp will begin direct sales — mail order — of its personal computers on March 22 : the ProLinea , Deskpro and Contura lines and various applications will be sold by phone : it will sell via a toll-free telephone number and through a direct mail campaign aimed at US small business — it is mailing over 2m of its catalogues .
29 A stretcher was brought out and Lawrence was taken by players and officials — now highly emotional — off the field of play and through a crowded area near the dressing-rooms , amid much jostling , into the sanctuary of the treatment-room .
30 But equally well , of course , you may have a brilliant tactical win and through a failure to appreciate the strategic significance of what is going on , throw away the game .
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