Example sentences of "and about the " in BNC.

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1 We have liked him for being into free speech and free love , and for what he has to say about convergences of the two , and about the curbs which revolution and its regimes has placed on them .
2 I would like to say a last word about Amis 's voices , and about the long words which have been or might be laid on his confident art — a terminology for which he is unlikely to be grateful .
3 A high point in the novel is the altercation and huff with Gavin and his mates which precedes this : about the long holidays teachers get , or do n't get , about the homework they withhold , and about the rights of weans — children — and the rights of parents .
4 This is a rare opportunity to listen to Tavernier 's ideas about film and about the relationship between European and American cinema , a subject about which he has strong views .
5 The sky never seemed to wake up and about the middle of the day it darkened .
6 Their value for the reader lies in enlarging or changing our perceptions , in helping us to break out from a deadening routine ; in short , the carnivalesque : ‘ The prophets of extremity put up a distorting mirror against our world — but one which properly attended to , can tell us something about that world , and about the possibilities of changing it , or changing ourselves . ’
7 Man is endowed with an insatiable curiosity about himself and about the world around him , in his perception of which his own nature finds its reflection .
8 The reason why so many books and articles on the 1931 crisis end with the formation of the first National Government is that their authors are still obsessed by the time-worn and stale debates about Ramsay MacDonald 's supposed ‘ betrayal ’ of Labour , about a hypothetical ‘ plot ’ , and about the ‘ bankers ’ ramp' .
9 If a girl is lucky and her parents are alive , she goes to her mother 's house for the last few months of her pregnancy and about the first three months of the baby 's life .
10 It focused his mind on the future and about the world that his small and fragile son would one day inherit .
11 Kraus taught him to listen and about the limitations of judging .
12 But in recent years his plays have been more about the paradoxical nature of dissidence itself : the emotional turbulence of the authority given the individual as a public spokesman , and about the fact that one of the worst features of any totalitarian system is the need to conform to other people 's expectations .
13 By any standards it was a sensitive period and about the worst moment that anyone could have chosen to circulate proposals of this kind .
14 She seemed much more cheerful and was full of chatter about her new friends and about the wonderful workers at the Blind Club , where she was learning to write using a metal board with black elastic stretched across it for lines .
15 Nevertheless , I can not help wondering about the parcels , for that is something so out of the ordinary , and about the things which are now missing .
16 There were internal arguments about the honouring of martyrs and about the proper way of ensuring that the honours did not become confused with old heathen practices , such as offering food and wine at the tombs of ancestors .
17 Sometime after we began work he started talking about the King 's Cross railway station fire that killed so many and about the fact that he was on an underground train going through the station at that time .
18 When my doctor saw me and heard how much I was working and about the rest of my life , he was absolutely horrified .
19 In the case of behaviour , we know quite a lot about what animals actually do , and about the anatomy and physiology of the brain , but only in the simplest cases can we explain the former in terms of the latter .
20 How far does what we know about neurones and about the brain help to explain how we see ?
21 To do this , I must rely on the truth of a number of facts about the world , and about the optical properties of my eyes .
22 Since then , much has been learnt about the structure and properties of proteins and about the active sites of enzymes .
23 Situated only five minutes from the nearest beach and about the same from the nightlife of the harbour , the Maria proves to be a good value choice for your Cretan holiday .
24 Here we need to ask ourselves a whole range of questions associated with the ways in which staff are managed in general and about the ways in which appraisal will be managed in the future — for there are choices to be made there in particular .
25 Leapor communicated with a ‘ Gentleman ’ about the choice of a specimen to be printed with the proposals , about revisions , and about the total number of lines she had written [ see ML , 2 , 314–315 ] .
26 The second is the broader area of information about the education authority 's policies and arrangements and about the individual school itself .
27 She shows how heated controversies about the use of the speculum , which was seem by some medical men as an instrument of rape , about operations that ‘ unsexed ’ and ‘ castrated ’ women , and about the relationship between male doctors and their female patients can be explained more effectively by viewing gynaecology as a ‘ science of woman ’ .
28 There were fundamental disagreements — both medical and moral — about basic procedures and operations , about the institutional settings that would best serve gynaecology and about the kinds of practitioners who should be involved .
29 Social security policy towards couples living together outside marriage , and other people sharing accomodation , embodies assumptions about the sharing of resources and about living costs , and about the nature of the relationship .
30 Two kinds of caution are needed about the nature of the evidence , and about the people who gave it .
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