Example sentences of "and out into " in BNC.

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1 Winning the French Open took him through the door , down the passage , into the street and out into the sunshine Fame .
2 My tiredness had now almost disappeared as I made my way along the drive of Brigade H.Q and out into the village .
3 After being briefed by a Sergeant , the three Marine Commandos and myself , faces blackened and carrying weapons , set off through the orchard and out into the thickly wooded area in front of the German positions .
4 They are on the bonnets of the jeeps , some are clinging precariously onto the sides as both vehicles speed away through the farmyard and out into the road .
5 Then he turned his head to one side as if he , too , was listening to the Maltesers rolling past the front row , under the bed on which he and Andrea had cavorted , towards the French windows on the far side of his bedroom , and out into the garden .
6 His consultations were conducted fortissimo and his guffaws echoed through the hall which was his waiting room , lined with an interested audience , and out into the street : ‘ BEEN TO ITALY ?
7 Through the quarry and the conifer woods and out into the main road where the yellow lights make you look like something in a Hammer horror .
8 I then have to say the blessing in Hebrew followed by two more quick dips under the water and out into my lovely warm soft towel !
9 He hunched his shoulders and stamped his way defiantly down the rest of the stairs and out into the cobbled street .
10 Vic passes through the glazed porch and out into the open air .
11 And she passed through the sweet shop with a nod towards Nan , who was serving a customer , and out into the street .
12 I walk across the field to the gate and out into a narrow lane .
13 As the other four offered their own inimitable advice , the police hustled the Celtic defender downstairs and out into the streets where he was thrown over the bonnet of a police car .
14 He shook his head in wonder , and walked down the stairs to the hall , and out into the bright morning sunlight .
15 Then she ran from the cloakroom , down the narrow dark passage and out into the night .
16 The burly barman , it might be he was once a footballer : he booted the man up and down and up and down and out into the street .
17 Up the ramp and out into the light .
18 At two-forty-seven the four men pushed through the glass doors and out into the motel parking-lot .
19 The trouble was , once you 'd been driving for that long , you drove right through your tiredness and out into a dreamland where only the road was moving .
20 They passed through another set of doors and out into the open air .
21 When we stopped , he told me that he saw Jesus leading him down the path away from St Luke 's and out into the street .
22 Flanked by the two men , they walked down a wide marble staircase , and out into the brilliant sunshine .
23 Willie longed to touch it but it was put under the counter and he quickly followed Tom back through the dark tunnel of materials and out into the daylight .
24 As the afternoon drew to a close , Mildred crept downstairs and out into the darkening yard .
25 He went through the green door in the Customs Hall and out into the main lounge .
26 He slammed the door closed , and the car drove smoothly away , and out into evening London .
27 ‘ Melin ’ is Welsh for ‘ mill ’ , and the Meloch was the river which ran through the property , from which the diversion from the weir through the millpond , under the road and out into the famous River Dee would supply our needs .
28 Two hundred thousand roubles in the hold-all and out into the street and into the car where the engine ticked snugly and into the traffic … and the stupid bitch had been on the pedestrian crossing , and her bags filled both hands , and she had frozen , not stepped back , and the car had hit her , swerved , crashed .
29 People were clapping as he stumbled between the rows of seats with her and out into the garden , where she reached out one hand to clutch at the trunk of a flowering cherry , then doubled up over his arm to vomit into a tidy bed of daffodils .
30 Aggie now walked heavily through the market room and out into the yard .
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