Example sentences of "and out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Moving through a confined space , for example if the glider is too large to go through the door , it is always wise to go nose first , swinging the glider right round and out with its nose close to one door .
2 The financial community was also shocked by a recent photograph showing him looking like a down and out with flowing locks and a long white beard and wearing dirty jeans and trainers .
3 When they are supposed to be arguing about the rider or scrawling their name on the walls , they sit quietly down and start replying to fan letters , or in Solowka 's case , it 's off with the flat-cap and out with the calculator .
4 Anyway , talking about changing tempers , yours has been in and out with the tide these last few months .
5 Jess was in and out with the speed and turn of a ferret .
6 Jogging on the spot , bring your arms in and out with each step .
7 Jogging on the spot , bring your arms in and out with each step .
8 Jogging on the spot , bring your arms in and out with each step .
9 Jogging on the spot , bring your arms in and out with each step .
10 Jogging on the spot , bring your arms in and out with each step .
11 Jog on the spot , bringing your arms in and out with each step .
12 Jog on the spot , bringing your arms in and out with each step .
13 Jogging on the spot , bring your arms in and out with each step .
14 Jog on the spot , bring your arms in and out with each step .
15 Jogging on the spot , bring your arms in and out with each step .
16 Jog on the spot , bringing your arms in and out with each step .
17 Jogging on the spot , bring your arms in and out with each step .
18 I Jordan de Blossevilla give in free alms to God and St Pancras and the monks … for the welfare of my soul and of my ancestors and successors a portion of my land in Bevenden lying by my well on the south side containing 4 perches in length and 2 in breadth ; to hold in tree alms , with a tree way of going in and out with the easement of drawing water in any well .
19 Sprinkle it inside and out with seasoning to taste .
20 The Second Son walked in and out with various friends .
21 The whale will be coated inside and out with acrylics , and Banks intends to open a restaurant called The Jonah Snackbar in its stomach .
22 At least give the windows a thorough clean inside and out with a proprietary plastic cleaner , followed by a good plastic polish .
23 Cedric and Dorothy had seemed a centre , even an essential one ; so many well-known people had been in and out with their politics , books , causes , marches for this and that , demonstrations .
24 It has to be said , however , that the way in which Mr. Occhi left the taxi at the end of the journey without further question seems more consistent with his having accepted that £7 in all was the fare to be charged and that he had been induced by the driver 's false representations to part out and out with all the money which he had passively allowed the taxi driver to take from his wallet .
25 Air sawed in and out with a curious , inhuman noise like a faulty ratchet .
26 During dinner Mr Brownlow stayed in a separate room , and the older members of the group went in and out with serious faces .
27 At breakfast Lili for some reason spoke of fidelity , and I noted my mother as she went in and out with bread and boiling water , looking at her , not with the disapproval she reserved for me but with half-amused incredulity .
28 The caterers had been in and out with boxes and covered trays .
29 Scrub the container inside and out with warm , soapy water and dry it thoroughly .
30 Make-up girls fluttered in and out with powder puffs .
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