Example sentences of "and she never " in BNC.

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1 I wanted her to come and she never did .
2 But despite his repeated and heartfelt pleas to his mother to come home , she steadfastly refused to do so , and she never did .
3 Fru Gertlinger knew that Elisabeth did not want to unpick the past with her and she never made mention of it .
4 Always generous , he invited her to drink coffee in the evening and she never saw him drunk .
5 Everything that was easy for Victoria seemed hard for her and she never understood why .
6 And she never did .
7 Gracie Fields had a tremendous faculty of projection , perhaps stemming from her old Music Hall days , and she never needed a microphone for her ringing voice ; either belting out ‘ Its the Biggest Aspidistra in the World ’ , or singing gently ‘ Sally ’ , each syllable was heard in every corner of the huge auditorium .
8 Beneath that cool , aloof manner of hers , Gay was the most understanding person on earth , and she never made the mistake of saying too much .
9 Only in the room Sally had chosen especially for her was Harriet amongst familiar echoes of the past and she never entered it without feeling a wave of gratitude towards her aunt .
10 Sarah took to visiting whenever she had time off , which was two hours every other Sunday , and she never went empty-handed .
11 The child gave her goose pimples and she never encouraged her to stay , though Anna clearly wanted to .
12 Elizabeth said that ( like myself ) she could never bring herself to utter the words ‘ Natter and Noggin' ; and she never had any need to do so , for that establishment was no longer in existence when she visited Kyrenia eighteen years later — and she rather liked the place .
13 She was never asked about what life was like beyond the curtain where the nuns went , and she never told .
14 ‘ People bring dogs to Mrs Cass and she never turns them away . ’
15 She felt unclean and unworthy , rather as she hoped that her mother , in her dark moments , must feel about Mr Stacey — and she never told Nora of the incident .
16 ‘ She drinks very little and she never prostituted herself . ’
17 ‘ She was thrilled to bits , ’ he said : ‘ The pictures are innocuous and she never gave any indication she was unhappy about them .
18 She displayed almost no outward signs of her brilliance and she never showed off .
19 And she never entrusted herself to anyone else , especially a man , when she was out of her head .
20 And she never looked back .
21 She was disapproving of my job and of the person I was , and she never really expressed any real affection or love .
22 Nilsson , firmly entrenched in her seventies , leaves her native Sweden only rarely nowadays and she never much cared for recording studios .
23 His execution — immortalised by Manet in the famous Firing Party , which can be seen in the National Gallery — unhinged her mind , and she never recovered .
24 And she never saw it again … alive .
25 The house was so run down that even Anna could n't afford to do anything about it and she never liked it much .
26 Her limbs seemed lifeless , and she never spoke or uttered a sound .
27 She hates me because I am beautiful , and she is not ; because I had three husbands , and she never married .
28 It 's expired and she never remembers .
29 ‘ She would n't have shopped me ; and she never gave me the tape .
30 She was polite , she was tidy , and she never , never told lies . ’
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