Example sentences of "and which the " in BNC.

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1 He has travelled from the liberated past , when imagination took power , to the liberation of an interest in fact — a state which may or may not prove to have been , for Roth , partial or provisional , and which The Facts , in its totality , manages to enclose in an ironised uncertainty .
2 In effect Jones 's book revealed an unwelcome truth which no one really wanted to hear and which the service was able easily to diffuse and ignore .
3 This is a phenomenon which most of us experience from time to time , particularly when performing a highly practised task like driving a car or using a keyboard , and which the clinician often feels presents in exaggerated form in certain neurological conditions .
4 In The Possessed , the conspirators have enticed their victim to a dark remote spot where nothing will be seen or heard , and have done the deed and tied two heavy stones to the body so that it is sure to sink , and have carried it to a pond and thrown it in : then , ‘ With extraordinary carelessness ’ they overlook that cap which has no doubt fallen off in the struggle , and which the police will soon find .
5 It is that alarming situation which egg producers wish to address and which the battling nuns have brought into public focus .
6 If one examines the needs and wants of a less developed society and relates this information to the production capacity of that country , ways may be found to develop products that consumers want and which the country is capable of producing .
7 Labour partisans hailed the effectiveness of the Jack Jones ‘ flat-rate ’ formula which had introduced a virtual wage freeze until mid-1977 , and which the government then continued with a year-long pay-restraint policy .
8 We believe that a Town and Country Planning measure on the lines indicated would give planning authorities all the scope which they need and which the 1932 Act failed to give them .
9 Let us go , says the second proposition , and find somebody else , some wise man who will be able to answer the unanswerable , who can tell us which are the sheep who can properly raise their prices , and which the goats who ought to keep their prices stable or lower them ; and then , when he tells us , we will all go and scream blue murder at the goats and make them thoroughly ashamed and sorry for themselves .
10 And there is no room for doubt as to which is the tail , and which the dog .
11 Historians will argue over what was the causa causans and which the causa sine qua non .
12 In the end it will need the writer of Jonah to recall the great truth which his people found , and which the Church still finds so hard to grasp , namely that God does indeed throw his largesse to all and sundry .
13 And in 1942 the first major bombings of German cities were carried out by allied air flotillas , and as the Luftwaffe lost control of the skies many Germans began to experience with dread the sort of terror-bombing which their own airforce had inflicted on numerous European cities since 1939 and which the allies were now returning with immeasurably greater force and concentration .
14 I scarcely know which is memory and which the recent dream .
15 At last the Barracks loomed into sight , and if anyone had been peeping from the window at that unsociable hour , they might have been hard put to distinguish which was the boy and which the shadow .
16 The political refugee issue , which dominated campaigning in the nation 's richest state and which the Republicans handled with overt racism , brought a 20-year majority reign by the Christian Democrats to an end .
17 This went to the heart of a question which the WEA is never able to ignore and which the Eastern District had particular cause to ponder in this period : how should the full-time professional tutor-organiser fit into a voluntary movement ?
18 Perhaps the best hope for progress lies in the many examples of good practice that already exist and which the Act simply reflects and builds on .
19 Control had shifted away from LEAs , but central government claimed to lack the power to secure the improvement to education that it sought and which the Conservatives promised the electorate in 1987 .
20 .. ’ . The second is completed by specifying a position or role the occupier of which possesses certain rights and duties , and which the consent purports to allow Y to occupy .
21 Thus , the existence of both mimetic and autonomous features in Simon 's novels proves that the two are not incompatible , as Ricardou claimed and which the novelist himself had been willing to endorse for a time .
22 In 1972 the Criminal Law Revision Committee had been particularly exercised by the fear that silent suspects could ‘ ambush ’ the prosecution with evidence at their trial which they did not mention during questioning and which the police now had no time independently to verify .
23 I am , in this regard , simply challenging received wisdom as to which is the chicken and which the egg .
24 Tonight , as a cold wintry blizzard rages outside , our hearts are warm with the satisfaction of the continuing public service which you have all enjoyed from your own station CHAB , and which the C.B.C .
25 Irrespective of personal efforts to maintain safety , all people are exposed to dangers — natural forces as well as man-made hazards — which are inherent in the environment and which the individual is impotent to control or eliminate .
26 Decide on balance which variable you think would be the cause and which the effect in the following pairs :
27 It is this region beyond the senses which the mystics and the artists with their new schools of art are trying to describe or depict and which the scientists are trying to explain and understand .
28 In the main such errors are easy to detect because the charges face the heraldic sinister rather than the dexter , but occasionally , if the charges are non-directional and the arms are impaled , the historian can be misled as to which was the husband and which the wife , and hence infer the wrong family name .
29 A house where the gods are our guests and which the demons strive to possess . ’
30 Decide which one of you will be the sales assistant and which the customer .
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