Example sentences of "and have [art] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the secondary routes that survive are relatively long , run through sparsely populated land , and have no hope of making money .
2 Malachy Smith , managing director of Wang in Ireland and a former player , said : ‘ We discontinued our South African operation more than than seven years ago and have no ties with that country . ’
3 Fund managers are intent on doing their best for their funds and have no interest whatsoever in the businesses they invest in or the people who are producing the profits .
4 Read it in our way and we shall merely be , as Lewis says in the preface to The Discarded Image , like ‘ travellers who carry their resolute Englishry with them all over the Continent , mix only with other English tourists , enjoy all they see for its ‘ quaintness ’ and have no wish to realise what those ways of life , those churches , those vineyards mean to the natives ’ .
5 Raw coffee beans are green in colour and have no aroma .
6 We either treat as a corporation a group of persons — usually the governing body of the institution , though it may include individuals who are beneficiaries and have no share in the government ( for instance , the scholars of a college ) — or else the property of the institution must be vested in a number of individual trustees , who are bound to apply and deal with it for the purposes of the institution .
7 I had to send her a greetings telegram , so that she would not be alarmed at the sight of the envelope , saying : DARLING MUM I AM MARRIED TO MY MUSE AND HAVE NO INTENTION OF SEEKING A DIVORCE SO DO N'T WORRY I 'LL BE A BACHELOR GAY FOR ME REST OF MY LIFE LOVE JIM .
8 We 're trying to bring the knowledge of black history out so that people know where we 're coming from and have no reason for prejudice and fear . ’
9 We are well and have no worries being happy together and not in need William leaving me better provided for than ever I had expected .
10 It records the names of some 70,000 of the forces of the British Commonwealth and Empire who fell in the battle in the neighbourhood and have no known grave .
11 The owners do not intend to exhibit the work and have no interest in selling it , having already refused an offer of $50 million from a Japanese collector .
12 We are going ahead with our projects and have no comment on what any other company says it does or does not own . ’
13 I am just a very satisfied user and have no connection whatever with the makers of Carbonflo .
14 The lasting memory of the meeting being that you did n't enjoy it and have no intention of ever attending a similar event .
15 Also ‘ areas ’ may refer to a few kms 2 or to whole countries , so that areas or pockets of declining food production may coexist with , and have no social access to , other areas of increased food production .
16 If that is the ‘ professionalism ’ you refer to , sir , I do n't much care for it and have no wish to acquire it . ’
17 It has been proved that when people are not emotionally involved with other people , and have no interest in the world around them , they can not be happy .
18 But what about the regimes he defends in other Arab countries like Saudi Arabia where women can not even drive a car and have no rights at all , and where all opposition is crushed without mercy by long prison sentences , condemnation to death or assassination ?
19 They may have to act on the spur of the moment and have no time to reflect and be bound , therefore , to arrest to prevent escape ; but where there is no danger of the person who has ex hypothesi aroused their suspicion that he probably is an ‘ offender ’ attempting to escape , they should make all presently practicable enquiries from persons present or immediately accessible who are likely to be able to answer their enquiries forthwith .
20 The Fallacy of Carpe Diem is a falsely reasoned argument which concludes that it is best to enjoy the momentary pleasure , and have no thought for the consequences it may bring .
21 We travel her with a tail bandage over gamgee and have no trouble .
22 But under the rules of self-management direct investment is heavily discouraged , since the investing firms can obtain no long-term control over the management of their ‘ subsidiaries ’ , and have no prospect of receiving reasonable profits ( or even other alternative advantages ) .
23 Most people dread dependence and have no understanding of the very limited extent of total dependence in old age .
24 All fears are of the material world and we have to give some thought to them for the sake of our ambition and our dependants and our own physical well being , but they are not transcendent things and have no meaning there .
25 GPs are neither employees nor agents of the home authority and have no contractual , and little moral , duty to act as the authority 's gatekeeper .
26 A depressed person may cry a great deal , show self-pity and lack of interest in the outside world and have no enjoyment of everyday life , even food .
27 After courtship and copulation they split up again and have no further relations until the next season .
28 ‘ She says you must both be insane to want to have me here , when I can pay so little and have no means of making more .
29 Inferior and superior are relative standards and have no place in the biblical vocabulary regarding the worth of a person .
30 So in some areas the Commission has only issued a recommendation or communication , which are merely persuasive and have no legal effect , such as in the area of social protection , child care , minimum income and persons living in frontier regions .
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