Example sentences of "and were the " in BNC.

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1 These exhibitions became central to Sheffield 's cultural life , and were the turning-points in the careers of several young artists .
2 … the earliest agriculture must have grown up round the shrines of the Mother Goddess , which thus became social and economic centres , as well as holy places , and were the germs of the future cities .
3 The most famous ( or notorious ) is the giant squid at 15 m or more in length , but some of the extinct ammonites and nautiloids were of similar dimension , and were the largest shelled animals ever to have lived .
4 According to the map it was there , but the fact that the dwellings seemed half hidden by the trees and were the same colour as the desert gave me a tinge of doubt .
5 They became the first club since the war to win the Cup and the League , and were the first to win the League on goal average .
6 And by 1874 , Richard Fynes , a historian sympathetic to the miners could write : ‘ Experience , however , proved that [ the lamps ] were the most deadly instrument ever devised in mining operations and were the cause of more sacrifice of human life than ever had occurred before . ’
7 The ornamental gardens , now being restored to their former glory , were once amongst the finest in England and were the pride and joy of Christopher Hatton IV , who gathered many rare plants from all over the world .
8 They had a fish tail , jaws with teeth about three inches long , and were the forerunners of reptiles and salamanders .
9 They became the instructors of the Brahmins and were the progenitors of Sun worship itself .
10 He considered that all the world 's religions had originated from a single source and were the ‘ imaginations formed when such men were ignorant of their own nature , were devoid of experience , and were governed by their random conjectures which … were far from the truth ’ .
11 They were long cars with five window saloons , full length canopies and were the only cars with reversed stairs ever owned by the Company .
12 But when the second teeth showed , and were the same if not worse , Lilian was seven years old , and other things had happened .
13 Was it the lobby where we were to meet , and were the two of them waiting there now ?
14 The regular salaries attached to the more important posts in the customs and excise administration , for example , were in themselves attractive to many voters in Scottish constituencies , and were the objects of a great deal of political negotiation , for this kind of appointment was the normal currency of management for the politician able to procure it , and the links between parliamentary politics and the disposal of such offices made the nominal right of appointment possessed by the boards of commissioners in Edinburgh somewhat illusory .
15 The gallery above the ramp is divided into five distinct spaces for the Impressionist paintings inspired by Renoir and dating from after 1940 , the ‘ vache ’ paintings which occupied the artist briefly in 1948 and were the subject of a recent reassessment by Bernard Blistene , Director of the Musées de Marseilles , the rock or stone paintings , an important selection of gouaches and works on paper , and Magritte 's painted bottles and other objects .
16 They presented the collection as ‘ an outline ’ , ‘ a proposal ’ , and were the first to acknowledge its gaps .
17 In the famous rent strike on the Clyde in 1915 , which resulted in legislation to control the level of rents , women demonstrated in their thousands , filled the court-rooms when tenants faced eviction and were the organisers of the struggle .
18 Hollywood began to wake up to black culture , spurred on by statistics showing that although blacks only made up 12 per cent of the nation 's population they accounted for 25 per cent of America 's cinema audiences and were the fastest growing segment of US population .
19 Among the Tchambuli , yet further variation occurred : men adorned themselves , gossiped , made things for trade , while women selected their partners , made the sexual advances , did all the trade , and were the more aggressive sex .
20 All the dishes were fish based — except the desserts of course ! — and were the brainchild of member Georgie Donnelly .
21 ( 2 ) Granting the application , that the central objective of the category of public interest immunity involved was the maintenance of an honourable , disciplined , law-abiding and uncorrupt police force ; that therefore , in view of the public disquiet understandably aroused by proven malpractice of some members of the disbanded West Midlands Serious Crime Squad , and of the extensive publicity already attaching to the authority 's documents following B. 's successful appeal , it could not be said that those who had co-operated in the authority 's investigation would regret that co-operation , or that future generations of potential witnesses would withhold it , if the court were to release the documents to the applicants to enable them to defeat if they could an allegedly corrupt claim in damages ; that the imperative public interest in the case was that the applicants had a proper opportunity of obtaining the evidence they sought so that the grave allegations which they made , and were the same allegations that had troubled the Court of Appeal sufficiently to allow B. 's appeal , could be properly tested in the courts ; and that , accordingly , B. 's undertaking would be varied to allow him to hand over to the applicants those of the authority 's documents which were incorporated in his appeal bundle , the applicants for their part undertaking to use those documents only for the purposes of defending the present libel proceedings pursued against them ( post , pp. 927G — 928A , B ) .
22 They also had a little daughter , and were the happiest of parents .
23 Athens and Eretria were the two cities west of the Aegean which sent help to the Ionians in their ill-fated revolt of 498 against the Persians , and were the object of Persian vengeance in 490 .
24 And and were the children all in the house .
25 That Conservatives lobbied British Rail and were the first to press for proper access to both platforms at Oxford Railway Station for disabled people and those who are unable to carry heavy luggage .
26 From 1934 he was responsible for the introduction on the LMS of substantial numbers of diesel-electric locomotives for heavy-duty service in marshalling yards , where they showed great economies over steam and were the forerunners of more than 1,400 of this type on British Railways .
27 Electrically activated signals worked by small switches and interlocked with the points they controlled were first introduced by Sykes at Penge in 1875 and were the forerunner of large electro-mechanical signalling systems in which electrically actuated signals controlled by small slides were introduced , with lever-controlled points actuated by rodding .
28 Building materials — stone , wood , bricks , sand , and gravel — were next in importance and were the principal traffic from certain stations , notably Gennevilliers , Saint-Ouen-les-Docks , and La Chapelle-Annexe .
29 In the result , it was agreed between the Commissioners and the defendant that the amount charged upon him should be reduced , and that time should be given to pay it in three instalments ; he gave three promissory notes for the three instalments ; the first was duly honoured ; the others were not , and were the subject of the present action .
30 Although most prehistoric settlements and field systems were less regular than these examples , they clearly predominate in some areas and were the normal way of subdividing the landscape .
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