Example sentences of "and had been " in BNC.

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1 Conversely , many of those in the amalgamated force who had previously worn helmets in their earlier life and had been moved into flat caps in 1969 welcomed the return to ‘ natural ’ apparel and their own version of a correct bodily disposition which had been prescribed in a 1958 edition of the Northumberland County Police Standing Orders .
2 If I had failed to get a place in a law school and had been forced to take something else as a second choice then this would have been acceptable .
3 The acting commander-in-chief of the KPNLF , Dien Del , said the fighting had continued overnight and had been ‘ more than 70 per cent successful ’ .
4 He said he had met the man , whose bona fides he had checked , in a Belfast hotel , and had been told his group held 64 separate documents relating to IRA suspects in the Irish Republic .
5 The IRA claimed the man , although a Catholic , was a ‘ hit man and intelligence officer ’ for the extreme Protestant Ulster Freedom Fighters and had been involved in a number of gun attacks on nationalists and republicans .
6 It further alleged that he had been a ‘ fifth columnist ’ working for the Army in west Belfast in the 1970s , and had been given immunity by the RUC to carry a gun and carry out robberies .
7 Despite the carnage elsewhere , the shares ended the day 36p better at 669p and had been much higher .
8 ' Another worker , who stood as a Conservative councillor , said she had encountered Mr Lawson at a reception last year and had been asked by the Chancellor why she had lost .
9 ‘ Many … had a complete ban and had been no-smoking from the start because they perceived that smoking did not fit in with their ethos — Boots , for example , or the Body Shop . ’
10 There is still an abyss or several to be crossed , but the bishop was applauded with vast intensity as he told how he had demanded the release of the 150 people reckoned to have been arrested during the street fighting , and had been told that complaints of police brutality would be investigated if the names of the victims were submitted in writing to the authorities .
11 Colonel Dawson , Officer commanding No. 4 Commando , had become a casualty and had been evacuated to England .
12 The Labour Party seemed to sense that it had gone too far in criticism of the police , perhaps in response to the far-left , middle-class activists of sociological inclination , and had been too tender towards violent criminals and other deviants .
13 The beneficiaries thus regard themselves as having received no more than their due , to which they were entitled anyhow , while those whose benefits are discontinued regard themselves as cheated of what they had a right to and had been encouraged to expect .
14 Yet Clark had known all along of the military preparations ‘ Musketeer I ’ and ‘ Musketeer II ’ and had been dismayed when Dulles seemed to have aborted them with his Suez Canal Users Club ; and after the Anglo-French meeting in London in September he had put out ‘ a dull communiqué , and no one has the least idea of what big things were abroad' .
15 He was familiar with Pound 's writing on Japanese drama , and had been impressed by the first performance of At the Hawk 's Well when he had seen a well-known Japanese dancer take the role of the hawk .
16 MacDonald also had condemned the Lloyd George coalition as corrupt and unprincipled and had been a major beneficiary of its fall .
17 Once , I had inadvertently called Nordic skiing langlauf and had been lucky to escape alive .
18 She had been having fits of anger , and had been neglecting her children , I was told .
19 I was 24 and had been married for four years before I discovered I was a lesbian .
20 She was twenty-two years old and had been a nurse at the Princess Louise Clinic in new Cavendish Street .
21 The 2nd Battalion , Royal Regiment of Fusiliers , was then the infantry battalion in the ACE Mobile Force , and had been in that role since May 1987 .
22 They had lived in Holland for twenty years and had been much impressed by Dutch conversions of barns into dwellings which tend to be more simple , ‘ scrubbed ’ and ‘ puritanical ’ than the often over-elaborate treatment that is applied to British projects .
23 He was drinking like a fish , and had been for weeks .
24 This had been one of the 150 organizations that had written asking for patronage when Diana became engaged , and had been turned down .
25 The answer was that community service was a political minefield , and had been rejected as unworkable every time it had reared its head .
26 Charles had been given a view of the plans some months before and had been appalled .
27 Vincent had put in a request to visit her and had been refused .
28 He had seen Frank 's mutilated back when they had both been down for screening , and had been deeply shocked .
29 All three came from the Midlands and had been at the sharp end of the business as salesmen for distribution companies .
30 He accepted they had thought the flat was empty and had been put under pressure by Allen to start the fire by squirting petrol through the letterbox .
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